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Hanne K. Sjølie

Hanne K. Sjølie

Associate Professor

Associate professor in forestry

Phone number
+47 62 43 08 69

Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
Campus Evenstad

Short description

Hanne K. Sjølie is associate professor in forestry, specialized in forest economics. Most central research subjects

  • Sustainable forest management
  • Large-scale models of forestry and forest industries
  • Climate change mitigation measures in the forest sector
  • Forest owners' objectives, behavior and interest in timber supply
  • Forestry as a workplace
  • Surveys
  • Scenario analyses

Most central ongoing research projects:

  • TaigaClimate (Forests and wildlife under pressure – systems analysis for sustainable solutions) where I am leading the work package on forest management and timber markets. Granted by the Research Council of Norway. 
  • CircWood (Circular use of wood for increased sustainability and innovation) where I am leading the work package on scenario analyses and businesses' and consumers' attitudes towards recycled wood materials. Granted by the Research Council of Norway. 
  • The industrial PhD project How to maintain good habitats in the timber production landscape? owned by Glommen Mjøsen Skog, in collaboration with NTNU. The project is written about here (in Norwegian)

Recent finalized projects

  • Forestry -  a workplace for everyone? where we map satisfaction and reasons behind career choices in the forest sector. Supported by the Norwegian forestry's research funds and Inland county. I was lead. Publicity can be found here (in Norwegian).
  • Growth effects for breeded pine where we explore (epi) genetic methods to determine the origin for pine trees and compare growth. Supported by forestry's research funds; I was the lead. 

Currently, I am main advisor for three PhD students: Ane C. Tange (Habitat conservation in production forest), Lucas Lopez (Multi-objective forest management) and Shumaila Khatri (Policies and attitudes towards recycled wood in construction) in addition to Master and Bachelor students. I am also co-advisor for Dohun Kim at SLU, who uses econometric method to study decision-making in the forest sector. 

Previous PhD projects where I have been advisor: Norwegian forest owners' attitudes and behavior (INN, main advisor) Land use in Tanzania (NMBU, co-advisor) og Effects of climate policies on the forest sector (NMBU, co-advisor)

I am leading the research group in forestry at HINN, which you can read about here

I am section editor for forest policy and economics in the international scientific journal Silva Fennica and frequently review papers submitted to other journals as well. 

teach the course Resource and Environmental Economics (in Norwegian)


Publications (recent excerpt)

Kim, Do-hun, Sjølie, H.K., Aguilar, F.X. (2024). Psychological distances to climate change and public preferences for biodiversity-augmenting attributes in family-owned production forests. Forest Policy and Economics 163, June 2024, 103201

Tange, A.C., Sjølie, H.K., Austrheim, G., 2024. Effectiveness of conservation measures to support biodiversity in boreal timber-production forests. Silva Fennica 58(2) 23057

Sjølie, H.K., Akin, D., Lauritzen, T., 2023. Gender differences in job experiences and satisfaction in the forest sector. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 54(2)

Nabhani, A., Sjølie, H.K., 2022. Treesim: An Object-Oriented Individual Tree Simulator and 3d Visualization Tool in Python. SoftwareX Volume 20, December 2022, 101221

Nyamoga, G.Z., Sjølie, H.K., Latta, G., Ngaga, Y., Malimbwi, R., Solberg, B., 2022. Effects of Income and Price on Household’s Charcoal Consumption in Three Cities of Tanzania. International Journal of Forestry Research Article ID 9988979

Bashir, A., Sjølie, H.K., Solberg, B., 2020. Determinants of nonindustrial private forest owners’ willingness to harvest timber in Norway. Forests 11(1), 60

Sjølie, H.K., 2020. Why are there still too few women in forestry and science? Editorial, Silva Fennica 54 (5)

Sjølie, H.K., Wangen, K.R., Solberg, B., Lindstad, B.H., 2019. The importance of timber prices and other factors for harvest increase among nonindustrial private forest owners Canadian J Forest Res 49(5): 543-552

Complete list of publications in Cristin.

Short bio

Work experience

2017 -                Associate Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

2011 - 2019:      Researcher at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) (including totally 23 months of parental leaves)


2011:               PhD studies in Forest and resource economics, NMBU: Analyses of the use of the Norwegian forest sector in climate change mitigation. Including one year as visiting scholar at Oregon State University, U.S.

2003 - 2007:   Master studies in Forestry, NMBU, including one year of studies in l'ENGREF, France

2001 - 2003:   Studies in mathematics, statistics and physics, University of Oslo


“Research Prize” from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, of NOK 100 000, 2015

Potential impact of albedo incorporation in boreal forest sector climate change policy effectiveness by Sjølie, H.K., Latta, G.S., Solberg, B. winner of the Schlamadinger Prize in climate change: forestry, land use and bioenergy. Climate Policy 13(6): 785-786


Besides my position at HINN, I own and run a family forest farm in Rendalen, where I seek to practice sustainable forest management, in social, ecological, and economic sense. Through this, I am part of the board of several private road and wildlife management associations etc. 

Part of the General Assembly in Sparebankstiftelsen Hedmark from 2022. 

Member of the governmental advisory Nature risk commission appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, 2022-24



Research groups


Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum