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Ida Jahr

Ida Jahr

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of English Literature and Culture

Mobile number
+47 48 03 96 96

Faculty of education
Department of English
Campus Hamar, Room 2C288

Short description

I am the head of the MA programme Digital Communication and Culture and teach within this programme and within the English subject in the lector and teacher training programmes (1-7 og 5-10) and in the MA programme in culture and language didactics (Master i kultur og språkfagenes didaktikk (MIKS)). Within these programmes, I teach topics related to English-language literature, culture and didactics. I am also involved in the Faculty of Education's courses within the new BSc in artificial intelligence and machine learning

My research interests are varied. I am interested in and have written about American history and culture, and how Europeans have imagined America, as well as the histories of knowledge, in the intersections of knowledge and technology, in digital culture and the digital in culture, and also in the medical humanities and histories of illness and different conceptualizations of the mind/body relation in culture. I supervise MA theses on these topics and more. 

At the moment, I am writing on AI and the mind/body relation in Donald Camell's 1977 film Demon Seed, I am involded in a digital humanities project on narrative structure in recovery narratives using the annotation tool CATMA, and I am writing a book for a general audience on the debate around and cultural history of CFS/ME

I am also subject editor for American history 1920-1960 in the Norwegian encyclopedia Store norske leksikon, where I have recently written new articles on Eleanor RooseveltMartin Luther King and Malcolm XElla Baker, the Black Panthers, and Joseph McCarthy, among others, and have been thinking about the place of the body in history writing

I review Norwegian non-fiction for the magazine Forskerforum. Lately, I have liked Anka Ryall’s Hanna Resvoll-Holmsen: en arktisk pionerDag O. Hessens Jervesporet and Jon Røyne Kyllingstads Rase - en vitenskapshistorie.



Research groups


Visiting Address

Alf Prøysens Hus (Hovedbygg fløy C – nyeste del)
Holsetgata 31, N-2318 Hamar
Room 2C288
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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum