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Lisa Knatterud Wold

Lisa Knatterud Wold


Phone number
+47 62 43 00 97
Mobile number
+47 41 21 74 75

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Eastern Norway Research Institute
Campus Lillehammer

Short description

Lisa Knatterud Wold works as a researcher at Eastern Norway Research Institute (Østlandsforskning), primarily focusing on research projects related to gender equality, diversity, inclusion, and integration. Currently, she is involved in ESIRA (Enhancing Social Inclusion in Rural Areas) funded by Horizon Europe, TERA, an EEA Grants Norway project on gender equality in rural areas, and FJELLBEITE - Changes in mountain pasture grazing and summer farming - causes, effects, and measures. Previously, she has worked on gender equality and diversity in maritime industries and education for the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries (2022) and on the safe integration of LGBTQI+ individuals with a refugee background, commissioned by IMDi (2022). Lisa holds a master's degree in environmental, resource, and development geography from the University of Bergen and a bachelor's degree in sociology from NTNU. She has previously worked at ideas2evidence, the Office of the Auditor General of Norway, and Médecins Sans Frontières.

You can find more information about Lisa Knatterud Wold on her profiles in the Cristin database and Linkedin.



  • Wold, Lisa Knatterud; Skarli, Jim Broch & Akin, Deniz (2023). Skeive flyktninger føler seg utrygge. [Internet]. KILDEN Kjønnsforskning.
  • Skarli, Jim Broch & Wold, Lisa Knatterud (2023). På trygg grunn? Å være skeiv flyktning i Norge.
  • Eide, Trude Hella; Tholstrup, Line Marie; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Wold, Lisa Knatterud & Bern, Aleksander (2024). Unge stemmer fra Innlandet - en perspektivmelding. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  • Akin, Deniz; Wold, Lisa Knatterud; Stokke, Mona Helene & Skarli, Jim Broch (2022). På leting etter trygghet: Integrering av LHBTIQ+-flyktninger i Norge. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-378-5. 2022(25).
  • Wold, Lisa Knatterud; Akin, Deniz; Bern, Aleksander; Lauritzen, Tonje & Tholstrup, Line Marie (2022). Likestilling og mangfold i maritim næring og utdanning - en kartlegging. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 9788283803365.
  • Bråtå, Hans Olav; Skarli, Jim Broch; Tholstrup, Line Marie & Wold, Lisa Knatterud (2022). Evaluering av Ny velferd 2040. Strategisk plan for helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenestene i Østre Toten kommune. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-340-2.
  • Akin, Deniz; Wold, Lisa Knatterud & Lauritzen, Tonje (2022). “Så da laga vi oss rett og slett en turnus”. Arbeidsdeling i hjemmet under koronapandemien. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  • Wold, Lisa Knatterud (2021). Et løft for maritim profesjonsutdanning. Evaluering av MARKOM2020. ideas2evidence.
  • Nordhagen, Inger; Hanna, Jones; Wold, Lisa Knatterud; Dahle, Malin & Tostensen, Arne (2020). Strengthening partnerships with HEIs in the Global South. An evaluation of the NORPART programme 2015/16-2020. ideas2evidence.
  • Nordhagen, Inger C. & Wold, Lisa Knatterud (2018). Muligheter og hindringer for økt studentmobilitet til Kina. ideas2evidence. ideas2evidence-rapport 4:2018 .
  • Lerfaldet, Hilde; Wold, Lisa Knatterud & Høgestøl, Asle (2017). Flere i arbeid med Jobbsjansen. En kunnskapsoppsummering av Jobbsjansen i perioden 2005-2016. ideas2evidence.
  • Wold, Lisa Knatterud (2007). Gender relations and household livelihood security in Lake Kariba fishing communities, Zambia. Universitetet i Bergen.

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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum