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Maria Jordet

Maria Jordet

Associate Professor

PhD., Licensed psychologist


Faculty of education
Department of educational studies in teacher education
Campus Hamar, Room 2M11-1

Short description

Maria Jordet, PhD., is a researcher at the Department of Art and Cultural Studies. She graduated as a psychologist at at the University of Oslo in 2018. Jordet wrote her doctoral thesis on voice, tradition and time based on a grassroots organization in northern Bangladesh with folk musicians and children reviving their vanishing musical traditions. Overall, she is concerned with how art can empower children living acutely exposed to climate change, by empirically focusing on India and Bangladesh, as well as how art can play a role in creating societal changes. Theoretically, she is  particularly interested in critical realism and ecomusicology. Jordet is also a Research Fellow in the Economy of Francesco Academy, an international network among young researchers working for a new, more just and sustainable economic system. 


  • Jordet, Maria (2024). Sanger fra fortiden i en nåtidig krise: dybdelæring, resonans og motstand. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education. ISSN 2535-2857. doi: 10.23865/jased.v8.5553.
  • Jordet, Maria (2024). Relationship. In Rozzoni, Stefano & Limata, Plinio (Ed.), The Economy of Francesco: a glossary to repair the language of economics. UCP press. ISSN 9789725410073. p. 213–220.
  • Jordet, Maria (2023). Painting with natural pigments on drowning land: the necessity of beauty in a new economy. Journal of Critical Realism. ISSN 1476-7430. p. 1–19. doi: 10.1080/14767430.2023.2217056. Full text in Research Archive
  • Erasmo, Valentina; Jordet, Maria & Wdowin, Julia (2023). Where Are “We” in the Economy? Some Reflections on the Place of Moral Sentiments and the Commons in Redefining Economics. In Rotondi, Valentina & Santori, Paolo (Ed.), Rethinking Economics Starting from the Commons Towards an Economics of Francesco. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-031-23324-1. p. 171–184. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-23324-1.
  • Jordet, Maria (2022). Reclaiming songs of wisdom in rural Bangladesh: four pillars of a unique music pedagogy. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). ISSN 2535-4051. 6(2). doi: 10.7577/njcie.4943. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jordet, Maria (2022). Relazione. In Rozzoni, Stefano & Limata, Plinio (Ed.), The Economy of Francesco: un glossario per riparare il linguaggio dell'economia. Città Nuova. ISSN 9788831135481. p. 263–271.
  • Jordet, Maria; Gullestad, Siri Erika & Haavind, Hanne (2022). When singing strengthens the capacity to aspire: girls’ reflexivity in rural Bangladesh. Journal of Critical Realism. ISSN 1476-7430. 22(1), p. 7–26. doi: 10.1080/14767430.2022.2095110. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jordet, Maria & Gullestad, Siri Erika (2020). Egen stemme - En studie av å synge som individuasjon. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 57(9), p. 646–656. doi: 10.52734/4UZ6jJw5. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Sæther, Eva; Jordet, Maria & Sæther, Wera (2023). Om sång på sårbart land.
  • Jordet, Maria (2023). Resonance as grassroots practice: Resistance through music.
  • Kertz-Welzel, Alexandra; Vestad, Ingeborg Lunde; Jordet, Maria & McNamara, Beatrice (2023). Reconceptualizing play in music education.
  • Jordet, Maria (2022). Møte i Assisi: på vei mot en ny økonomi. St. Olav : Katolsk tidsskrift for religion og kultur. ISSN 0802-6726. p. 14–17.
  • Jordet, Maria (2022). A music teaching methodology in rural Bangladesh and Dialectical critical realism: on being and becoming human.
  • Jordet, Maria (2022). Looking towards trees when rethinking the economy: the Sundarbans, critical realism and capabilities.
  • Jordet, Maria (2021). Med retning nedover: et reisebrev fra Assisi. Mentsch Magazine. 3(2), p. 34–39.
  • Jordet, Maria (2020). Mapping music teaching methodologies and practices in rural Bangladesh.
  • Jordet, Maria (2020). Preserving folk song traditions in Bangladesh.
  • Ruyter, Knut Willem; Bratbak, Pål; Jordet, Maria; Petersen, Liv Marit Meyer & Rossiné, Hans (2023). Seksuelt misbruk av barn og av sårbare voksne i Den katolske kirke. Kartlegging, forebygging, beredskap og hjelp. . Oslo katolske bispedømme.
  • Jordet, Maria (2023). Tradert visdom og tid som renner ut: En undersøkelse ved sangskoler med barn og folkemusikere nord i Bangladesh. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-420-1.

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Kirsten Flagstads Hus (Midtbyen skole)
Skolegata 1, N-2317 Hamar
Room 2M11-1
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Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum