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May Sissel Rognstad

May Sissel Rognstad

PhD Candidate

Phone number
+47 61 28 85 36
Mobile number
+47 90 51 35 79

Faculty of education
Department of Pedagogy
Campus Lillehammer

Short description


  • May Sissel Rognstad is PhD candidate in Child and Youth Participation and Competence  Developement. She has work experience from kindergarten as educational leader, preschool teacher, support teacher, special educator, and environmental worker and therapist in municipal shared housing. Furthermore, she  completed a bachelor's, and master's degree in Special Needs Education at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • The working title for her  PhD project is: Participation and learning: On quality of life for young people with intellectual disabilities. The study has a student perspective and the purpose is to generate knowledge and understanding of conditions in upper secondary school that can contribute to good quality of life, and reduced quality of life. Therefore, data are gathered through semi- structured fenomenological interviews.
  •  The study is partly based on a subjective psychological understanding of the quality of life concept; Quality of life (or subjective well being) is understood as a subjective phenomenon that only has meaning through studens' cognitive assessment of domains, such as school, friends and leisure, and emotional experiences, for instance joy,pride, loneliness, frustration and so on. Social belonging and friendships, learning and mastery, as well as self- determination are causes of subjective- well being within a socio- ecological context.


Research groups


  • Rognstad, May Sissel (2024). Subjektivt velvære sett fra perspektivet til elever med utviklingshemming i videregående opplæring. Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN 0332-8457. 24(2).
  • Rognstad, May Sissel (2022). Two stories of quality of life from adolescents with intellectual disability in upper secondary school . Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN 0332-8457. 22(04), p. 59–74.

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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum