Norsk versjon av denne siden
Njål Ølnes

Njål Ølnes


Phone number
+47 62 51 77 95

Faculty of education
Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
Campus Hamar, Room 2K219

Short description

Njål Ølnes is professor at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies. He holds an PhD in performance practice from the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. From 2016-2020, Ølnes was a postdoctoral fellow at the jazz programme, NTNU, where he examined relational functions in the interplay and investigated how the concept of ‘roles’ can be vital in understanding the improvised interaction.

Ølnes is a jazz saxophonist and has used his musicianship as a basis for research, for example in the article Å forska på eiga speling.

The research uses Aural Sonology analyses as a method and combine these with research in the art of music performance.

This fall Ølnes is contributing with the article 'Roles' in improvised music: Using aural sonology to uncover musical intentions and functions in improvised interplay in an anthology on Aural Sonology, which will be published by Éditions Delatour, Canada.



Visiting Address

Elias Hofgaards Hus (Kontorbygget)
Holsetgata 31, N-2318 Hamar
Room 2K219
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum