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Nora Warhuus Samuelsen

Nora Warhuus Samuelsen


Phone number
+47 61 28 81 72

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Eastern Norway Research Institute
Campus Lillehammer

Short description

Nora Warhuus Samuelsen has a master's degree in public health sciences from NMBU, and both in her studies and professional life, she has focused on the public health perspective in municipal planning. Her master's thesis dealt with the implementation of systematic public health work in municipal planning, and she has 5 years of experience in public health work and community planning in the municipal sector, with a particular focus on project and development tasks. At Østlandsforskning, Nora contributes specifically to the topics of public planning, public health, and social inclusion through project and process management, evaluation assignments, and guidance in self-evaluation. Her research interests include planning in municipalities with demographic challenges and public health and social sustainability in service and community development.


  • Haug, Erik Hagaseth; Nylund, Inger Beate; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Stokke, Mona Helene & Sønderskov, Mette (2023). Service Innovations Targeting NEETs: A Systematic Review. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance. ISSN 2003-8046. doi: 10.16993/njtcg.49.
  • Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus & Hofstad, Hege (2015). Health Promotion and Illness Prevention in Norwegian Municipal Planning - an Occupational Perspective. In Egoz, Shelley (Eds.), Hva betyr landskapsdemokrati? - Defining Landscape Democracy (Conference Reader). Centre for Landscape Democracy, NMBU. ISSN 978-82-575-1279-8. p. 72–73.

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  • Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Røhnebæk, Maria & Moe, Windy (2023). Co creation for social inclusion - A case study of co-creation with migrants in rural communities.
  • Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus (2023). Realistisk planlegging: Kan vi ha utvikling uten å ha befolkningsvekst?
  • Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus (2023). Realistisk planlegging: Kan vi ha utvikling uten å ha befolkningsvekst?
  • Akin, Deniz; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus & Bromseth, Janne C. Haugnes (2023). Hvordan har skeive i Innlandet det? GD Gudbrandsølen Dagningen.
  • Røhnebæk, Maria; Blumenthal, Veronica; Akin, Deniz; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Dahl, Signe Lise & Hansen, Ørjan Lande (2022). Action-Research Report Norway: Innlandet County. In Membretti, Andrea & Gilli, Monica (Ed.), 13 Action-Research Reports. Deliverable 5.3. MATILDE - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas. p. 204–260.
  • Røhnebæk, Maria; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Dahl, Signe Lise & Lund, Per Olav (2021). Country report Norway . In MATILDE, Project (Eds.), 13 quantitative briefings on the case studies . MATILDE - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas. p. 211–244. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5526040.
  • Røhnebæk, Maria; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Dahl, Signe Lise & Lund, Per Olav (2021). Country report Norway . In Gruber, Marika & Zupan, Kathrin (Ed.), Report on existing integration-political goals, programmes and strategies in the European Union and the MATILDE countries and rural regions, MATILDE Deliverable 6.2. MATILDE - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas. p. 109–118. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4620898.
  • Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus & Røhnebæk, Maria (2021). Country Report Norway . In Lane, Jussi (Eds.), 10 Country Reports on Qualitative Impacts of TCNs, MATILDE Deliverable 3.3. MATILDE - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas. p. 106–125. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4726645..
  • Eide, Trude Hella; Tholstrup, Line Marie; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Wold, Lisa Knatterud & Bern, Aleksander (2024). Unge stemmer fra Innlandet - en perspektivmelding. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  • Tholstrup, Line Marie & Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus (2023). De er flinke til å støtte opp - Om fylkeskommunens rolle i program for folkehelsearbeid i kommunene i tidligere Oppland fylke. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-450-8.

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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum