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Rafi Ahmad

Rafi Ahmad


Phone number
+47 62 51 78 45

Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology
Campus Hamar, Room 2N1248

Short description

About (Link to LinkedIn Profile)

Rafi is a Professor and the Group Leader of the strategic research group at INN, B3 - Bioinformatics, Biodiscovery & Biorefinery.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in pharmacy (BPharm) from Jamia Hamdard, Delhi, India, a Master of Science in Bioinformatics from the University of Exeter, UK, and a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics and Computational Chemistry from The Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT). After his Ph.D., he worked for three years as a post-doctoral scientist at the Norwegian Structural Biology Centre, responsible for drug discovery services.

He has six years (pre-and post-doctoral) of experience working in the life science industry, including AstraZeneca, Dassault Systemes, and Medivir. Rafi has led industrial drug discovery projects in infection and antibiotic resistance.

A new chemical entity developed under my project leadership is planned to enter clinical trials in 2023.

Research interest and current work

My research offers a unique combination of expertise in computational life sciences and bioinformatics, based on experience from the pharmaceutical industry and academia in computational methods in life science. My main research interest is in the rapid diagnostics of bacterial infection, antimicrobial resistance, and AST prediction. Rafi is the project leader of several research projects on rapid diagnosis and has received extramural research funding from several national and international funding agencies.

Rafi has recently received funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN)  for a collaborative and knowledge-building project, OH-AMR-Diag, to develop new knowledge and generate research competence needed by society or the business sector to address critical societal challenges. 

Rafi is the project leader of several Research Council of Norway (RCN) projects (AMR-RADAR AMR-Diag and ABR-Diag), RCN COMMERCIALIZATION (Rapid-Mast, Rapid-Diag), and an RFFI project (Vet-AMR-Diag, Rapid-AMR). He is part of the Leader group for the recently funded RCN project Network for One Health Resistome Surveillance (NORSE), where he leads the work package "building expertise on resistome surveillance and diagnostics."

A new Diku project AMR-Educate with partners from Harvard University (USA) and India.

He was nominated in 2020 by RCN to the Management Committee of European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST -

Detailed information about - publications and projects.

Associate Editor- BMC Bioinformatic and Frontier in Microbiology (Level 2 journal in Norway)

Editorial Board - Frontier in Microbiology and Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal

NRK Dagsrevyen

On the front page of NRK

News in Hamar Arbeiderblad (subscription needed)

Brief CV

Education Profile

1996 - 2000 Bachelor of Pharmacy, Jamia Hamdard, Delhi, India

2000 - 2001 Master of Science in Bioinformatics, University of Exeter, UK

2004 - 2008 Ph.D. Bioinformatics & Drug Discovery, University of Tromsø, Norway

Work Experience


2022 - Till Date Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar, Norway

2024 - Till Date Professor II, The Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT), Tromsø, Norway

2021 - 2024 Senior Researcher, Oslo University Hospital (Project assignment)


2018 - 2023 Associate Professor, The Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT), Tromsø, Norway

2016 - 2022 Associate Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar, Norway

2017 -  Expert reviewer for EU H2020 grant applications

2013 - 2015 Leader New Molecule Profiling, Open Innovation, AstraZeneca, Molndal, Sweden

2011 - 2013 Senior Research Scientist, Medivir AB, Stockholm, Sweden

2012 - 2013 Project Leader, Antibiotic Resistance, Medivir AB, Stockholm, Sweden

2008 - 2011 Post Doc Drug Discovery and Design, Norwegian Structural Biology Centre, University of Tromsø, Norway

2002 - 2004 Research Scientist, Team Leader, Accerlys Inc., Banglore, India

Group Members

Professor II

Prof. Sumeet Mahajan (University of Southampton)

Assoc. Prof. Manfred Grabherr



Abdolrahman Khezri


Ekaterina Avershina

PhD (Current)

2021 - 2024

Jawad Ali

2023 - 2026

Sverre Branders

2023 - 2026

Anurag Basavaraj Bellankimath

2022 - 2025

Chidimma Phoebe Echebiri

2020 - 2024

Line Strand Karlsholm (at Inst. of Clinical Medicine, UiT)

2021 - 2025

Daniel Salamonsen (at NosStruct, Inst. of Chemistry, UiT)

2022 - 2025

Kira Waagner Birkeland (at Dept. of Microbiology, Inland Norway Hospital)

PhD (Past)

2018 - 2021

Yusuf Khan (Thesis defended)


Crystal Chapagain

Master (M. Sc 1 year project) - Current

Fatemeh Asadi

Nasib Bin Mahbub

Lethokuhle Telulile Manzini

Bachelor (Short 3 months project) - Current

Mehakprit Kaur

Oula Mohamadali Badawi

Zainab Haidari

Nasteexo Nur Muse

Master (M. Sc 1 year project) - Past (2016 onwards)

Lana Kragulj, Narayan Prasad Koirala, Prabin Bhandari, Elizabeth Wirsiy, Valentina Krivenjeva, Ewelina Rojek, Mithlesh Kumar Ray, Roshan Mandal, Bijay Thapa, Sanjeev Shakya, Helene Bouras, Ambreen Kauser, Mukund Joshi, Ahmed Mostafa, Barsha Bhattarai, Bindiya Bajracharya, Crystal Chapagain, Amulya Baral

Erasmus EU/Intenationak Exchange Students (B.Sc/M.Sc/PhD up to 6 months project) - Past (2016 onwards)

B.Sc: Ewelina Rojek (Poland), Mikolaj Kozlowski (Poland), Paulina Borowiec (Poland), Claudia Lopez (Spain), Jaskeen Singh (India)

Ph.D.: Deepak Kocher and Sonu Tyagi (AIIMS, Delhi), Alex Morozov (COST - Moldova)

Rafi in Media

OH-AMR-Diag press release

NRK P1 interview on Diku AMR-Educate project

Rafi in NRK news from (skip to time 1:20)

Research Topics

  • Anitbiotic Resistance
  • Bioinformatics
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Biotechnology
  • Drug Discovery
  • Genomics
  • Next Generation Sequencing

Publications and Projects

Se publikasjoner og prosjekter i Cristin


Visiting Address

Holsetgata 22, N-2317 Hamar
Room 2N1248
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum