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Svein Barene

Svein Barene

Postdoctoral Fellow

Phone number
+47 62 43 03 19

Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Section for Public Health
Campus Elverum, Room 4L3305

Short description

Svein Barene currently holds a position as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Public Health and Sport Sciences, and has been employed at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) since November 2013. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education and Sports from INN, and has a Master's Degree in Sports Biology from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. Barene is also a certified Soccer Coach and Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor.

After a total of 15 years of teaching experience in resp. Physical Education and in Sports in upper secondary school, as well as an Assistant Professor at higher education institutions, he completed in 2014 his PhD in Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen. His dissertation was entitled 'Football and Zumba as health-promoting among female hospital staff; Effects of a randomized controlled trial'.

Prior to his current postdoctoral position, which started in the autumn of 2021, Barene's work assignment at INN were primarily as Study Programme Leader for the Bachelor's Programme in Public Health Work and as Head of Department and Section Leader for the Public Health Unit, respectively.

Research interests

  • Health-promoting effects of physical activity
  • Development of evidence-based exercise programs and facilitation of sustainable physical activity for different target groups
  • Endurance and strength training

You can read more about Barenes research activity here: ResearchgateSciProfilesORCID or Cristin.


Visiting Address

Terningen Arena - L-blokk
Hamarveien 112, N-2406 Elverum
Room 4L3305
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum