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Thor André Skrefsrud

Thor André Skrefsrud


Phone number
+47 62 51 78 98
Mobile number
+47 90 61 10 99

Faculty of education
Department of educational studies in teacher education
Campus Hamar, Room 2P306


  • Sæther, Elin; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Dewilde, Joke & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Listening to young people’s voices: Attempts at developing context- and participant-sensitive approaches. Childhood. ISSN 0907-5682. p. 1–16. doi: 10.1177/09075682241246394. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Debating the practice of separate plurilingual programs in Norwegian schools from a spatial perspective. In Mañoso-Pacheco, Lidia; Estrada Chichón, José Luis & Sánchez-Cabrero, Roberto (Ed.), Inclusive education in bilingual and plurilingual programs. IGI Global. ISSN 9798369305638. p. 233–247. doi: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0563-8.ch012.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Intercultural Dialogue in Diverse Classrooms: Debating the Socratic Dialogue Method from a Postcolonial Perspective. Religions. ISSN 2077-1444. 15, p. 1–9. doi: 10.3390/rel15010098.
  • Capperucci, Davide; Dodman, Martin; Didham, Robert J.; Jonsson, Susanne Gunvor; Sundby, Kristine Nymo & Langaas, Ylva [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). The role of mentoring and peer-to-peer support in sustaining teacher professional development. In Petrache, Anca-Denisa; Mara, Daniel & Bocos, Musata (Ed.), Sharing and learning for mentoring in education. Editura Universitara. ISSN 978-606-28-1723-7. p. 192–204.
  • Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Hustvedt, Marianne & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Skolelederes erfaringer og møte med religiøst mangfold. Prismet. ISSN 0032-8847. 74(4), p. 255–275. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Potensialet for publikums interkulturelle forståelse i møte med «MEG – jeg vil fortelle deg noe». In Nielsen, Sigurd Solhaug & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Folkemuseene i mangfoldige samfunn – publikums erfaringer av forskjellighet og tilhørighet. Oplandske Bokforlag. ISSN 978-82-7518-284-3. p. 93–110.
  • Nielsen, Sigurd Solhaug & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Innledning: Folkemuseene i fortid og nåtid – om tilhørighet, mangfold og behovet for publikumsstudier. In Nielsen, Sigurd Solhaug & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Folkemuseene i mangfoldige samfunn – publikums erfaringer av forskjellighet og tilhørighet. Oplandske Bokforlag. ISSN 978-82-7518-284-3. p. 13–28.
  • Basha, Shpresa & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Countering Narratives of Identity and Belonging: Multicultural School Events from a Student Perspective. In Tavares, Vander & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Critical and Creative Engagements with Diversity in Nordic Education. Lexington Books. ISSN 9781666925852. p. 313–336.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Tavares, Vander (2023). Reconceptualizing non-confessional religious education in Norway from a Freirean perspective. In Tavares, Vander & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Critical and Creative Engagements with Diversity in Nordic Education. Lexington Books. ISSN 9781666925852. p. 173–186.
  • Tavares, Vander & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Experiential education, museums, and student teachers’ intercultural learning: Reflections on the Scandinavian Romani exhibition. In Tavares, Vander & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Critical and Creative Engagements with Diversity in Nordic Education. Lexington Books. ISSN 9781666925852. p. 45–65.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Multicultural School Events: Possibilities and Pitfalls for Refugee Students and Their Families. In Wolsey, Thomas DeVere & Karkouti, Ibrahim M. (Ed.), Teaching Refugees and Displaced Students. What Every Educator Should Know. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-031-33833-5. p. 197–208. doi: https:/
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Enhancing Student Teachers’ Professional Development through Active Learning. In Ortega-Sánchez, Delfín (Eds.), Education - Annual Volume 2023. IntechOpen. ISSN 978-1-83768-569-1. p. 1–13. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.112399.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Perezhivanie og elevens subjektive opplevelse av læringsmiljø. In Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (Ed.), Læring i et Vygotsky-perspektiv. Muligheter og konsekvenser for opplæringen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202811501. p. 103–117. doi: 10.23865/noasp.191.ch6.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (2023). Å forberede seg på hjem-skole-samarbeid: Lærerstudenters bruk av virtual reality-teknologi i et Vygotsky-perspektiv. In Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (Ed.), Læring i et Vygotsky-perspektiv. Muligheter og konsekvenser for opplæringen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202811501. p. 177–195. doi: 10.23865/noasp.191.ch10.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Rethinking the Intercultural Potential of Religious Education in Public Schools: Contributions from Intercultural Theology. Religions. ISSN 2077-1444. 14(2). doi: 10.3390/rel14020224. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2022). A Proposal to Incorporate Experiential Education in Non-Confessional, Intercultural Religious Education: Reflections from and on the Norwegian Context. Religions. ISSN 2077-1444. 13(8), p. 1–13. doi: 10.3390/rel13080727. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2022). A transcultural approach to cross-cultural studies: Towards an alternative to a national culture model. Transcultural Studies. ISSN 2191-6411. 12(1), p. 81–100. doi: 10.17885/heiup.jts.2021.1.24153. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2022). Enhancing social sustainability through education: Revisiting the concept of multicultural education. In Hufnagel, Levente (Eds.), Sustainability, Ecology, and Religions of the World. IntechOpen. ISSN 978-1-80355-436-5. p. 1–16. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.103028.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2022). The Buber-Levinas Debate on Otherness: Reflections on Encounters with Diversity in School. In Kleive, Hildegunn Valen; Lillebø, Jonas Gamborg & Sæther, Knut-Willy (Ed.), Møter og mangfold: Religion og kultur i historie, samtid og skole. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-75389-4. p. 229–247.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (2021). Exploring the pedagogical potential of virtual reality simulations for pre-service teachers from a Vygotskyan perspective. Digital Culture and Education. ISSN 1836-8301. 13(1), p. 67–80. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Sæther, Elin (2021). Young people’s experiences and meaning-making at a multicultural festival in Norway. Journal of Peace Education. ISSN 1740-0201. p. 1–19. doi: 10.1080/17400201.2021.1911792. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Rethinking inclusive education: What can be learned from an ecological theology of liberation? . In Heimbrock, Hans Günter & Persch, Jörg (Ed.), Eco-theology : Essays in honor of Sigurd Bergmann . Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh. ISSN 9783506760364. p. 232–250.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Why student mobility does not automatically lead to better understanding: Reflections on the concept of intercultural learning. In Cairns, David (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-64235-8. p. 63–76.
  • Dewilde, Joke & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Revisiting studies of multicultural school events from the perspective of strategic essentialism. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk. ISSN 2387-5739. 7, p. 196–209. doi: 10.23865/ntpk.v7.2145. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Multicultural school festivals as a creative space for identity construction–the perspective of minority parents. Intercultural Education. ISSN 1467-5986. 32(2), p. 212–229. doi: 10.1080/14675986.2020.1851173. Full text in Research Archive
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2020). The reception of Vygotsky in pedagogical literature for Norwegian teacher education. Forum Oświatowe. ISSN 0867-0323. 32(2), p. 11–27. doi: 10.34862/fo.2020.2.0. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Sæther, Elin (2020). «Det er så koselig her at jeg tar av meg skoene»: Om betydningen av sted i en flerkulturell barne- og ungdomsfestival. In Sæther, Knut-Willy & Aschim, Anders (Ed.), Rom og sted: Religionfaglige og interdisiplinære bidrag. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-69675-7. p. 93–110. doi: 10.23865/noasp.110. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2020). Teachers as intercultural bridge‐builders: Rethinking the metaphor of bridge‐building. Teaching Theology and Religion. ISSN 1368-4868. 23(3), p. 151–162. doi: 10.1111/teth.12550. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Intercultural learning in diverse schools: obstacles, opportunities, and outlooks. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji. ISSN 1734-1582. 42(3), p. 75–85. doi: 10.26881/pwe.2018.42.08. Full text in Research Archive
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). The Reception of Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory in Pedagogical Literature in Norwegian Teacher Education. In Kravtsov, Gennady (Eds.), L.S. Vygotsky's Method in Modern Social Practices. Proceedings of the XIX Vygotsky International Readings. Lev Publishing. ISSN 978-5-91914-043-6.
  • Gudjónsdóttir, Hafdís; Wozniczka, Anna Katarzyna; Gísladóttir, Karen Rut; Lunneblad, Johannes; Odenbring, Ylva & Janhonen-Abruquah, Hille [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2018). The story of my teaching: Constructing learning spaces for diverse pupils. In Ragnarsdòttir, Hanna & Kulbrandstad, Lars Anders (Ed.), Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice. Success stories from four Nordic countries. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISSN 9781527514003. p. 153–175.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre; Hellman, Anette; Lunneblad, Johannes & Ragnarsdòttir, Hanna (2018). Enhancing the professional development of teachers in three Nordic countries—Drawing lessons from research findings in spin-off activities. In Ragnarsdòttir, Hanna & Kulbrandstad, Lars Anders (Ed.), Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice. Success stories from four Nordic countries. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISSN 9781527514003. p. 217–238.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre; Gísladóttir, Karen Rut; Gudjónsdóttir, Hafdís; Hellman, Anette; Layne, Heidi & Lunneblad, Johannes [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2018). Research Methodologies for a Culturally Diverse Educational Context. In Ragnarsdòttir, Hanna & Kulbrandstad, Lars Anders (Ed.), Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice. Success stories from four Nordic countries. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISSN 9781527514003. p. 95–119.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Barriers to Intercultural Dialogue. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue. ISSN 0926-2326. 28(1), p. 43–57. doi: 10.0000/SID.28.1.3285343.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Internasjonale perspektiver i pedagogikk og elevkunnskapsfaget. In Schjetne, Espen & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Å være lærer i en mangfoldig skole: Kulturelt og religiøst mangfold, profesjonsverdier og verdigrunnlag. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205512252. p. 294–308.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Pedagogikk og elevkunnskap i en mangfoldig skole. In Schjetne, Espen & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Å være lærer i en mangfoldig skole: Kulturelt og religiøst mangfold, profesjonsverdier og verdigrunnlag. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205512252. p. 22–38.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Inclusion of Newly Arrived Students: Why Different Introductory Models can be Successful Models. In Kulbrandstad, Lars Anders; Engen, Thor Ola & Lied, Sidsel (Ed.), Norwegian perspectives on education and cultural diversity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISSN 9781527505872. p. 65–82.
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Skaret, Anne & Skrefsrud, Thor-Andre (2018). International week in a Norwegian school. A qualitative study of the participant perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 62(3), p. 474–486. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2017.1306800. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). Les difficultés du dialogue interculturel. Lumen Vitae : Revue internationale de catéchèse et de pastorale. ISSN 0024-7324. 72(3), p. 309–324. doi: 10.2143/LV.72.3.3242675.

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  • Nielsen, Sigurd Solhaug & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Folkemuseene i mangfoldige samfunn – publikums erfaringer av forskjellighet og tilhørighet. Oplandske Bokforlag. ISBN 978-82-7518-284-3. 326 p.
  • Tavares, Vander & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Critical and Creative Engagements with Diversity in Nordic Education. Lexington Books. ISBN 9781666925852. 367 p.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (2023). Læring i et Vygotsky-perspektiv. Muligheter og konsekvenser for opplæringen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202811501. 243 p.
  • Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Innføring i KRLE-didaktikk. Undervisning i religion, livssyn og etikk i et flerkulturelt samfunn. IKO-forlaget A/S. ISBN 978-82-8249-478-6. 288 p.
  • Schjetne, Espen & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Å være lærer i en mangfoldig skole: Kulturelt og religiøst mangfold, profesjonsverdier og verdigrunnlag. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205512252. 312 p.
  • Børresen, Beate; Hammer, Aina & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). KRLE 5-7 Elevnettsted. Cappelen Damm AS. ISBN 9788202573379. 100 p.
  • Børresen, Beate; Hammer, Aina & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). KRLE 5-7 Digital (lærerlisens). Cappelen Damm AS. ISBN 9788202545772. 150 p.
  • Børresen, Beate; Hammer, Aina & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). KRLE-boka 5-7. Cappelen Damm AS. ISBN 9788202545741. 312 p.
  • Børresen, Beate; Hammer, Aina & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). KRLE-boka 5-7. Cappelen Damm AS. ISBN 9788202494957. 314 p.

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  • Hustvedt, Marianne & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Public school and non-formal religious education - complementary or not? RE teachers' perspectives.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Transitions to upper secondary school - perspectives from the Norwegian context.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Panel - boklansering Folkemuseene i mangfoldige samfunn.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Panel discussion: What roles do values and culture play in achieving transformative learning for sustainable development, and how can we best integrate these perspectives into educational programmes?
  • Jonsson, Susanne Gunvor & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). RESPOND: Sustaining the professional development of teachers within schools as professional learning environments: Erfaringer fra et Erasmus+-prosjekt.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre; Iversen, Jonas Yassin & Massao , Prisca Bruno (2024). Forskning på mangfold i utdanning: Innlegg på Norsk studentorganisasjons ledersamling.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Tavares, Vander (2023). Introduction: Education for diversity in the Nordic context. In Tavares, Vander & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Critical and Creative Engagements with Diversity in Nordic Education. Lexington Books. ISSN 9781666925852. p. xiii–xxiii.
  • Hustvedt, Marianne; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2023). Religious Education in Diverse Contexts: School Leaders’ Understanding of Religious Diversity and Interconnections between Non-formal and Formal Religious Education.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Tavares, Vander (2023). Reflecting on the Potential of Experiential Education in a Museum to Enhance Student Teachers’ Intercultural Knowledge of Roma Peoples.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (2023). Forord. In Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (Ed.), Læring i et Vygotsky-perspektiv. Muligheter og konsekvenser for opplæringen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202811501. p. 7–8. doi: 10.23865/noasp.191.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (2023). Vygotsky i forskning og praksis: Hvorfor rette blikket mot et sosiokulturelt læringssyn? In Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (Ed.), Læring i et Vygotsky-perspektiv. Muligheter og konsekvenser for opplæringen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202811501. p. 9–18. doi: 10.23865/noasp.191.ch1.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn (2023). Bruk og betydning av mat i flerkulturelle arrangement.
  • Somby, Hege Merete; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre; Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Stalheim, Odd Rune & Parish, Karen (2022). VR Simulation as a Learning Method for Pre-Service Teachers.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Iversen, Jonas Yassin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (2022). Understandings of ‘Learning Barriers’ in International Research: A Systematic Review.
  • Moe, Erlend ; Iamroz, Olena; Randen, Gunhild Tveit & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2022). Nå kommer de ukrainske elevene. [Internet]. HINNs nettside.
  • Moe, Erlend ; Iamroz, Olena; Randen, Gunhild Tveit & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2022). Hvordan kan vi best møte de ukrainske flyktning­barna i skolen? [Internet].
  • Randen, Gunhild Tveit & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2022). Slik kan skolen hjelpe elever fra Ukraina. Avisa Vårt land. p. 16–17.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Innføringsklasser eller direkte integrering på trinn? Inkluderende innføringsmodeller for nyankomne minoritetselever.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Larsen, Noorit (2021). Hvordan vi bruker metaforer endrer hvordan vi ser verden. [Internet]. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Iversen, Jonas Yassin; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Somby, Hege Merete (2021). Understandings of ‘Learning Barriers’ in International Research: A Systematic Review.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Bokanmeldelse av Urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter i skole og lærerutdanning. Prismet. ISSN 0032-8847. 72(3), p. 268–270.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Læreverk gir ikke hele bildet. Avisa Vårt land.
  • Larsen, Noorit & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). How we use metaphors changes how we see the world. [Business/trade/industry journal]. ScienceNorway.
  • Massao, Prisca Bruno; Andersen, Camilla Eline; Fylkesnes, Sandra; Vibeto, Håvard Andreas; Klausen, Siri Wieberg & Haug, Inger Mokkelbost [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2021). Det er på høy tid å forske på rase og rasisme i lærerutdanningene, Søberg. Nettavisen.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre; Faldet, Ann-Cathrin & Somby, Hege Merete (2021). Digital simulation of home-school collaboration - exploring the pedagogical potential of pre-service teachers engagement with virtual-reality technology in a Vygotskyan perspective.
  • Frydenlund, Silje; Grande, Per Bjørnar & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Bruken av lærebøker i KRLE. In Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Innføring i KRLE-didaktikk. Undervisning i religion, livssyn og etikk i et flerkulturelt samfunn. IKO-forlaget A/S. ISSN 978-82-8249-478-6. p. 149–155.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). KRLE-lærere og det flerkulturelle klasserommet. In Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Innføring i KRLE-didaktikk. Undervisning i religion, livssyn og etikk i et flerkulturelt samfunn. IKO-forlaget A/S. ISSN 978-82-8249-478-6. p. 123–139.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald (2021). Invitasjon til KRLE-didaktikk. In Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Innføring i KRLE-didaktikk. Undervisning i religion, livssyn og etikk i et flerkulturelt samfunn. IKO-forlaget A/S. ISSN 978-82-8249-478-6. p. 10–18.
  • Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Forord. In Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Innføring i KRLE-didaktikk. Undervisning i religion, livssyn og etikk i et flerkulturelt samfunn. IKO-forlaget A/S. ISSN 978-82-8249-478-6. p. 3–3.
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Lien, Silje Josten (2021). - Skaper tilhørighet: Forskning: Stoppested verden under forskernes lupe fra en gul campingvogn. [Newspaper]. Hamar arbeiderblad.
  • Ringlund, Ole Martin & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2021). Verdt å stoppe ved Stoppested Verden-festivalen. [Internet]. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Lien, Silje Josten (2021). Forskerne brukte denne campingvogna ute i felten til sine undersøkelser. [Newspaper]. Hamar Arbeiderblad.
  • Erdal, Marta Bivand; Aschim, Anders; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2020). Facilitating conviviality, managing difference: Corpus Christi processions in Norwegian cities.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2020). Identitetsfortellinger på utstilling: læringspotensialet i "MEG - jeg vil fortelle deg noe".
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2020). The Buber-Levinas Controversy on Ethical Responsibility for the Other.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2019). Flerkulturelle arrangement i skole og lokalsamfunn.
  • Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Dewilde, Joke (2019). Å utforske en urfolksstand på en internasjonal barnefestival.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2019). Encountering the Other: On Levinas's Critique of Buber and Buber's Response.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2019). Religion, livssyn og etikk i PEL-faget: Hvordan styrke den flerkulturelle lærerkompetansen. Bedre Skole. ISSN 0802-183X. 31(2), p. 48–51.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2019). Creating Spaces for Dialogue. How to Recognize Differences without Reinforcing Otherness.
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn; Skrefsrud, Thor Andre & Sæther, Elin (2018). Researching young people's voices at an international children and youth festival. Developing participant- and context-sensitive methodology through "My Memory App".
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). The reception of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory in pedagogical literature Norwegian teacher education.
  • Dewilde, Joke; Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Multicultural school celebrations: Investigating transnational representations in an international school event in Norway.
  • Dewilde, Joke; Iversen, Jonas & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Hamar-skolens opplæring av nyankomne. Hamar arbeiderblad.
  • Schjetne, Espen & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Mangfoldig skole - bred kompetanse. In Schjetne, Espen & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (Ed.), Å være lærer i en mangfoldig skole: Kulturelt og religiøst mangfold, profesjonsverdier og verdigrunnlag. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205512252. p. 11–20.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2018). Intercultural learning. Exploring encounters in diversity.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). Frédérique Brossard Børhaug & Ingrid Helleve (Red.) 2016. Interkulturell pedagogikk som motkraft – i en monokulturell praksis. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Prismet. ISSN 0032-8847. 68(4), p. 356–358.
  • Kjørven, Ole Kolbjørn & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). Markeringsdager i skolen i et flerkulturelt samfunn.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). Insider research in teacher education: Enhancing teacher educators’ multicultural awareness through shared reflections.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2017). Skolen og radikalisering. Avisa Vårt land. p. 15–15.
  • Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2024). Multicultural School Events as Rituals. Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion.
  • Iversen, Jonas Yassin; Dewilde, Joke & Skrefsrud, Thor Andre (2020). Pre-service teachers’ first encounter with multilingualism in field placement. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-200-9.

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