Norwegian version of this page


Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences sets very high demands for academic integrity. If you use other people's material, or your own earlier material, without proper reference, this may be considered cheating. The same applies if you have unauthorized aids available or participate in prohibited cooperation during an examination.

In case of cheating or attempted cheating, strict measures will be taken by INN University. It is therefore important that you, as a student, take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules for using examination aids and the rules for correct source usage and quotation. The rules regarding cheating also apply to submissions constituting the right to take examinations (work requirements/academic prerequisites). You will find the rules regarding cheating in Chapter 8 of the Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences


What is considered cheating?

The following are considered as cheating or attempted cheating (among others):

  • Having non-approved resources during an examination
  • Presenting the work of others as one’s own
  • Citing sources or otherwise using sources in a written work without sufficient references
  • Citing one’s own former work or otherwise using one’s own former work without sufficient references
  • Gaining admission to an examination by cheating on a test or any similar prerequisites to examination admission, or having received approval for participation on a faulty basis related to compulsory attendance or other compulsory activities
  • Participating in a non-approved cooperation between examinees or groups.

References for all used sources, including one’s own work, must be provided. Transcription or copying without source reference is considered cheating, regardless of source.

On exams or work requirements where all aids are permitted, artificial intelligence (typing robot, ChatGPT etc.) will also be a legal aid, as a tool. If, on the other hand, you present machine-generated claims, statistics, arguments, ideas, works of art, coding or similar as your own in the answer, this will be considered cheating.

You must find verifiable sources and use content from such sources with correct attribution. Artificial intelligence is not a verifiable source.

Answering an individual home exam or other type of individual written work must be an individual and independant work. The answer/work shall not be based on the same original work or have the same author or common disposition as other answers/works.


How is cheating detected?

INN University uses the Ouriginal plagiarism detection programmes to detect cheating. Submitted examinations are checked in comparison to other texts such as curriculum literature, webpages and previously submitted examinations – including your own previous examinations. Cheating is also detected, for example, by an examiner recognizing a text when evaluating an answer, or by an examination supervisor reporting suspected cheating.


What happens if you are suspected of cheating?

If you are suspected of cheating, you will be contacted by INN University and you will have the opportunity to comment on the matter if you wish. You may provide your comments either verbally or in writing, and you have the right to see any documents related to your case. It is INN University’s Appeals Committee who makes decisions in cases relating to cheating, and its decisions can be appealed to the joint National Appeals Committee. If you wish to argue in front of the committee when your case is being processed, you have grounds to do so. You are entitled to use a lawyer or another spokesperson in case of suspected cheating. In cases where the consequence may be exclusion, INN University covers the costs of an attorney at a public payroll rate.


What are the consequences of cheating?

In case of proven cheating, the consequence is usually the annulment of the examination / submitted assignment and exclusion from INN University for up to one year. In addition, you loose the right to sit examinations at all universities and university colleges in Norway. Note that attempted cheating and contributing to cheating may lead to exclusion as well.


How to avoid cheating?

Thoroughly familiarize yourself with reference techniques! Do not fall for the temptation to use someone's text without referencing this both in the body of your text and in your bibliography.

INN University expects all students to take responsibility for learning correct reference techniques. This entails that you as a student must learn the right reference techniques for your field of study, as well as actively seek help if you need it. The library's webpages provide you with more information, and the same can be done by your lecturers, student counsellors, and our librarians.

The library’s webpage about plagiarism


Relevant regulations

The Act Relating to Universities and University Colleges

Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Mandatory self-declaration relating to the submission of student assignments

I acknowledge that by submitting the examination, project assignment, portfolio assignment or other types of written work at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, I must ensure that:

1. The completed assignment has not been previously submitted as part of an examination at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences or at a different educational institution in Norway or abroad.
2. A completed individual home examination or another type of individual written work is an individual and independent work, not based on the same original work or with the same author or joint disposition as other completed assignments.
3. References for all used sources, including a student’s own work, are provided with the correct source reference.

Students who have cheated or attempted to cheat may, as a result, have their examination annulled and / or be expelled, cf. The Act Relating to Universities and University Colleges §§ 4-7 and 4-8.  

The above conditions are regulated in more detail in The Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences §§ 8-1 and 8-2. 

By checking the box next to “I have read and accepted” in Studentweb, I confirm that I am aware that violation of the above provisions is considered cheating. 

You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences’ regulations, including rules on proper citation and reference. The declaration is to make you aware of your responsibility and the consequences of cheating. A missing statement does not release you from this responsibility.

The declaration is to be signed upon registration in Studentweb

Last modified June 16, 2023 10:33 AM