Norwegian version of this page

Continuation examination

A continuation examination can be arranged for students who have sat for the ordinary examination and have not passed, or who have a valid absence from the ordinary examination.

Students without a valid absence at the ordinary examination or who wish to improve a passing result normally do not have the option to register for the continuation examination.

You must remember to register for the continuation examination in Studentweb. Exchange students might experience issues when registering for a retake. Reach out to the International Office for assistance. 

If you wish to improve your passing results, you can apply to re-take the ordinary examination. 

Deadlines for registering and de-registering for the exam.

Guidelines for admission to continuation examinations

  1. The Rector may adopt rules for admission to continuation examinations for persons other than students without a passing grade or approved absence from an ordinary examination, cf. the Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at INN University § 6-8 (7).
  2. The power to adopt such rules should not be used to grant individual exemptions from the main rule, or to establish various practices between the faculties or departments, unless there are reasonable grounds for doing so.
  3. Students who are in their final semester of a study programme leading to a bachelor's or master's degree can attend a continuation examination to improve an already passing grade. This assumes that an ordinary examination in the course will not be arranged before the student completes her/his study programme.
  4. Students who are on exchange stays through INN University when ordinary examinations are held are granted admission to a continuation examination.
  5. Students who have extensive positions of trust at the faculty or department level at INN University or at the national level may, upon application, be granted admission to a continuation examination. Applications will be processed individually, but normally the threshold would be that the position has an equivalent of 10 hours per week or that the position has extensive scope during certain periods.
  6. In cases where a course is discontinued and an ordinary examination is held for the last time, access to a continuation examination is given to improve an already passing grade.
  7. In all cases, admission to the continuation examination requires that INN University shall arrange such examination for students who have failed or hold a valid absence from the ordinary examination.
  8. Students shall apply for admission to the continuation examination in accordance with these rules by a set deadline. Applications are sent by email to INN University. Students with a failing grade or valid absence at the last ordinary examination should register for the continuation examination through Studentweb.
  9. Decisions following applying for admission to a continuation examination are regarded as individual decisions under § 2 of the Public Administration Act and can be appealed to the person who made the decision.

Which grade applies?

If you retake an examination, the highest grade will apply. 

Relevant regulations

The Act Relating to Universities and University Colleges

Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences


Last modified Mar. 28, 2023 1:42 PM