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External candidates

As an external candidatet, you can take an exam at the university without being admitted as a student. The right to take an examination as an external candidate is regulated in Section 6-10 of the Regulations relating to admission, studies and examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Access to take the exam as an external candidate

As an external candiate, you take the exam at the university without being admitted as a student.

You can take exams in courses that do not require compulsory teaching, work requirements or practice.

Former students who have approved work requirements or other requirements for access to the exam can take the exam as an external candidate provided that this exam is still offered. It also requires that you have attempted another exam in the subject in question, cf. the study regulations § 6-10 (9).

The vice-chancellor can exempt certain study programs or courses from the private scheme.

Your rights at the college are limited to participation in public lectures and admission to examinations. As an external candidate, you are not entitled to guidance, participation in group work, teaching materials or access to the college's computer systems.

Former student

If you are a former student who has completed or quit, you no longer have the right to study on the study programme. You must then apply to take the exam as an external candidate in order to improve your grade or complete courses in the study programme. This assumes that the course in question is still offered, that mandatory requirements have been passed previously, and that the course is included in the private scheme. It also requires that you have attempted another exam in the course in question, cf. the study regulations § 6-10 (9).

Examinations of a practical nature

All exams of a practical nature (productions, projects, practice etc.), and exams where the exam theme must be approved or where guidance is given on an assignment, are exempt from the private scheme. Bachelor's and master's theses cannot be completed as an external candidate.

Compulsory requirements that have been completed and approved in previous academic years are not considered valid for this type of exam.


To take courses as an external candidate, you must apply to the university. The application deadline is 1 September for the autumn semester and 1 February for the spring semester.

The application for external candidate examination with any attachments is sent via Nettskjema.

Applications will be processed together after the application deadline has expired.

Fees for external candidates

All external candidates must pay both the examination fee and semester fee.

The examination fee is NOK 3,000. The rate applies per exam. This means that where an exam consists of several parts, the fee is paid per part.

In addition, semester fees are paid according to the current rules. External candidates do not pay Kopinor and ICT fees.

In the event of a new examination attempt due to a valid absence, no new examination fee is paid. The semester fee must still be paid if a new exam is taken in a new semester.

In the case of a new exam attempt after failing or with the intention of improving the grade, a fee is required according to the specified rates.

For study programs or courses where a self-payment has been set for students, a higher fee may be set for external candidates than stated in these guidelines, but not beyond the amount of the self-payment.

These fees are not refunded, cf. study regulations § 6-10 (7).

Paid semester fee at another educational institution

If you have paid semester fees at another educational institution, a copy of the payment must be attached to an application for exemption from this fee. The best documentation is a screenshot from Studentweb or the Studentbevisapp. Applications for exemption from the semester fee itself are sent to

Student card for external candidates

You are entitled to a student card and have access to welfare services provided by the Student Association.

The student card gives access to the universities premises, and can also be used as a library card in the universities library, as a key card to pick up printouts and as identification during exams.

You are not considered an active student at the college and will therefore not be able to use the Student ID app as identification.

Documentation of completed private examination

After censorship has been registered, you can order a digital transcript from Studentweb.

A new diploma is not issued in the event of an improvement in grade, cf. the study regulations § 9-1 (5):

Only one diploma is issued to a student for each study program that provides the basis for a diploma. If, after completing the study programme, a student takes a new exam in a subject that may affect the grade on the original diploma, this is documented with a transcript.

Relevant regulations

Act relating to universities and university colleges

Act on student associations

FOR-2005-12-15-1506 Regulation on self-payment at universities and university colleges

FOR-2008-07-22-828 Regulations on student associations

FOR-2017-01-26-98 Regulations on admission, studies and examinations at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Last modified May 14, 2024 12:57 PM