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Home examinations hand in exams

 As a general rule, examinations are conducted using Inspera Assessment.

As soon as you have been assigned a candidate number, your exam will be visible under "My tests". Your candidate number for the exam, as well as the starting and submission time and date, can be found on " Studentweb" under the menu item "My active courses”.

When an exam assignment is made available, you will find it under the relevant test when it opens.

Login for all students: Inspera


We recommend that you complete a demo test for the home exam, so that you get to know Inspera. You can complete this demo test as many times as you want. You  will also find the demo sample in Inspera.

  • Log in with Feide
  • Go to Demo tests
  • Open "Demo home exam/hand in exam"

Save as pdf-file

Most text editors can convert to a PDF-file by clicking on <File> and then on <Save as>. Then select <PDF format>.

Inspera supports updated versions of the following browsers: Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari (for Mac OS X). 

Individual submission

This applies to submissions made by one individual. 

A. Complete the exam

  1. You must save the content to be delivered in the file format described in the exam assignment.
  2. Check what format you should use. The most commonly used text format is pdf. Most text editor programmes can convert to a PDF file by clicking <File> and then <Save As> (choose <PDF Format>).
  3. Check that you know where the file you want to upload is located, and that it is the correct version.

B. Complete the submission in Inspera

  1. Log into Inspera with your regular student username and password.
  2. Find the correct test/exam and upload the file.
  3. You can upload new versions of the completed exam multiple times until the submission deadline. Enter the system as before; you will be able to view what has been uploaded earlier. Select "Replace" and upload the new version. When the submission deadline expires, the last uploaded version will be delivered automatically.
  4. After the submission deadline, you can log in and see your submitted exam under "Archive".

Submission by customized groups

 Students create the groups in Inspera themselves and sign in using a PIN code. If students are given a choice between submitting individually or in groups, those who choose to submit individually must create their own group with one member (themselves). This must be done well before the submission deadline. Only those who have joined the group before the submission deadline may participate in the submission.

A. Complete the exam

  1. One of the students uploads the completed exam on behalf of the group.
  2. This person must save the content to be delivered in the file format described in the exam assignment.
  3. Check what format the product should be. The most commonly used text format is pdf.
  4. Check that you know where the file you want to upload is located, and that it is the correct version.

B. Complete the submission in Inspera

  1. The person who is to submit the exam on behalf of the group logs into Inspera using regular student username and password.
  2. Find the correct test/exam, create a new group and share the access PIN code with the other members of the group in order to gain access to the exam.
  3. Upload the file with the completed exam following the instructions given.
  4. Once the initial step is completed, the other members should log into the group, select "Join existing group" and enter the PIN code for the group.
  5. New versions of the completed exam can be uploaded multiple times until the submission deadline, and any member of the group can do so. Enter the system as before; you will be able to view what has been uploaded earlier. Select "Replace" and upload the new version. When the submission deadline arrives, the last uploaded version will be delivered automatically.
  6. After submission, everyone in the group can log in and see the delivered exam under "Archive".

Submission by preselected groups

 A. Complete the exam

  1. One of the students uploads the completed exam on behalf of the group.
  2. This person must save the content to be delivered in the file format described in the exam assignment.
  3. Check what format the product should be. The most commonly used text format is pdf.
  4. Check that you know where the file you want to upload is located, and that it is the correct version.

 B. Complete the submission in Inspera

  1. The person who is to submit the exam on behalf of the group logs into Inspera using regular student username and password.
  2. Find the correct test/exam and upload the file.
  3. New versions of the completed exam can be uploaded multiple times until the submission deadline, and any member of the group can do so. Enter the system as before; you will be able to view what has been uploaded earlier. Select "Replace" and upload the new version. When the submission deadline arrives, the last uploaded version will be delivered automatically.
  4. After submission, everyone in the group can log in and see the delivered exam under "Archive".
Last modified Apr. 11, 2024 3:04 PM