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Instruction for exam candidates

In Instruction for exam candidates you will find what rules counts for completing the exam. As a student you are committed to know and understand the instructions before you take your exam.

General exam regulations

  1. It is the candiates responsibility to prepare themselves and the relevant equipment in the way that has been informed about by the college.The candidate must have their own computer for use during the exam. This must meet the system requirements of the technical exam system used, and the necessary software must be installed and updated before the exam day. School examination - Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  2. Technical problems as a result of the candidate not having prepared well enough do not grant any extended time.
  3. Candidates who do not attend the exam must provide valid documentation of illness or strong welfare reasons within three working days of the exam day for the absence to be valid. A valid absence does not count as an exam attempt and may give access to the continuation exam. The documentation must state that the absence applies to the exam day itself.
  4. The candidate can choose to withdraw during the exam. This will count as an attempt if valid documentation is not submitted within the applicable deadlines. A valid absence does not count as an exam attempt and may give access to the continuation exam.
  5. The candidate can choose to submit a blank answer. Blank answers will be censored and will count as an attempt.
  6. The exam submisson will normally be available in the exam system's archive after the exam has been completed. The candidate is themselves responsible for downloading a copy of their own submisson. The exam system will no longer be accessible after completion of studies. HINN does not have the opportunity to retrieve submissons for students after their studies have been completed.
  7. All submissions are checked for plagiarism. All candidates are themselves responsible for familiarizing themselves with and following the rules for the use of sources and reference techniques. For group exams, all group members are mutually responsible for the content of the submisson. Collaboration of any kind is not permitted for individual examinations.
  8. Violation of the instructions may be regarded as cheating or attempted cheating according to the regulations of admission, studies and examinations at HINN. This may lead to the cancellation of the exam and exclusion from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences for up to one year. During the same period, you may lose the right to take exams at other Norwegian universities and colleges.

Examination with supervision

  1. If the candidate has not made the necessary preparations, or the equipment does not work when attending the exam room, the candidate may risk not being able to sit the exam.
  2. The candidate must be present in the examination room no later than 30 minutes before the start of the examination, if no other time is specified in Studentweb. After being allocated a place, the candidate must immediately log into the examination system.
  3. The candidate is obliged to follow the instructions given in the examination room by the invigilator. Outerwear, backpacks, bags and the like must be put in the designated area. Mobile phones, watches and other electronic equipment must be turned off and inaccessible to the candidate.
  4. It is not permitted to make notes on exam paper before the exam paper is handed out.
  5. Candidates who arrive up to 30 minutes late for the exam should contact the head invigilator, and may be allowed to take the exam without extended time.
  6. The candidate is only allowed to have food, drink, stationery, identification and approved aids on their desk.
  7. Permitted aids are stated in the exam paper and course description. It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that they bring permitted aids to the exam. The candidate is responsible for the aids not containing unauthorized notes. Borrowing aids from others during the exam is not permitted. If a breach of the rules is discovered, the aid will be withdrawn and the candidate may choose to continue the exam without the aid. Aids will not be returned until the violation has been dealt with by the faculty.
  8. Candidates must sign the candidate list and show a valid student card or other valid identification with a photo (bank card, driver's license, national ID card or passport). The student certificate app cannot be used as identification.
  9. After the candidate list has been signed, there is no opportunity to leave the exam room until 30 minutes after the start of the exam.
  10. If all or part of the answer is to be submitted on paper, the candidate must use the exam paper that is distributed in the exam room. Candidates must write with a blue or black ballpoint pen, and are themselves responsible that the submission is readable.
  11. Candidates who have previously been granted the use of a computer with special software as individual facilitation are themselves responsible for taking a backup copy along the way to safeguard against data loss in the event of a power failure or machine failure.
  12. If a break is required, the candidate must always be accompanied by an examination invigilator. The candidate must prevent other candidates from seeing their submisson when the place is vacated.
  13. If something is unclear in the exam paper, candidates may contact the head invigilator who can ask for clarification from the person with course responsibility.
  14. No form of communication between students is permitted during the exam.
  15. If technical problems arise during the exam or when submitting, the candidate must give a signal to the exam invigilator who can assist.
  16. The candidate must show consideration to others in the examination room so that there are no disturbances. In the event of serious disorderly conduct, a candidate may be expelled from the examination room.
  17. When the exam time is over, all writing on the submissions must cease.
  18. Submission of digital answers with or without hand drawings: Upon successful submission in the digital exam system, the exam invigilator is notified. The candidate remains seated until a signal is given that the submission has been registered. If hand drawings are also delivered, the candidate will remain seated until all exam papers have been checked and delivered. The candidate then leaves the examination room immediately.
  19. Paper-only submissions: For exams on paper, the candidate has up to 15 minutes to fill in the necessary information at the top of the exam papers and separate the sheets after the exam time is up. The submission must be delivered in two copies.
  20. When the paper submisson is ready to be delivered, the candidate notifies the examination invigilator. The candidate remains seated until all examination submisson have been checked and delivered, and then leaves the examination room immediately. 

Home examination/hand in exam

  1. The candidate is responsible for uploading a complete submisson, in the correct system, at the correct time and in the correct file type. If problems arise when uploading the submission, study administration at the faculty must be contacted immediately. It is recommended to download the submisson from the examination system after uploading to make sure that the file can be opened and appears as the candidate wishes.
  2. Home examinations hand in exam 

Oral examination

1. The candidate must be present outside the examination room no later than 10 minutes before the specified time for the oral examination, unless another time is stated.

2. Special requirements for digital oral exams:

  1. The candidate must show valid identification on camera before the exam begins.
  2. The candidate must sit in a well-lit room and the face must be visible to the examiner.
  3. It is not permitted to record the exam. It is not permitted to communicate with others during the digital oral exam. It is also not permitted to use aids that have not been approved in advance.
  4. If a candidate is exposed to a serious, unforeseen technical problem during the exam, it must be assessed in each individual case whether the candidate should be given the opportunity to sit the exam again at a later date.

Relevant regulations

Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences


Last modified Apr. 16, 2024 3:33 PM