Norwegian version of this page

Leave of absence

You can apply for leave of absence from your studies. All applications for leave of absence are assessed in accordance with the regulations on admission, studies and examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences § 5-5 and Act on Universities and Colleges § 4-3.

​This provides grounds for leave of absence

  • childbirth/adoption 
  • caring for children 
  • military service 
  • illness 
  • position in student politics 
  • other special reasons 

According to Section 4-3 d(2) of the Act on Universities and Colleges, students who have children during their studies are entitled to leave of absence during pregnancy and to care for children.

Students who hold extensive student political positions have the right to leave during their studies in accordance with § 4-3 e(1) of the UC Act. Scope of duties must be assessed in each case. Full-time position of trust gives grounds for leave of absence, while no leave of absence is granted for students who sit on student committees and are class representatives.

Other special reasons can be, for example, seriously ill children or other welfare reasons. Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

There is no requirement for the number of completed study credits to be granted leave.

This is not grounds for leave of absence

Leave of absence is not granted for individual exams. If the student is ill in connection with the exam, the student will have the right to a continuation exam when it is arranged, in accordance with regulations on admission, studies and examinations at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences § 6-8. Students can take individual exams during the period of leave of absence. Semester fees must then be paid. A student will not be granted leave of absence if he/she plans to follow normal or nearly normal progress of study during the leave period. Students who sit on student committees and/or are class representatives are not granted leave of absence.

Duration of leave of absence

Leave of absence is normally granted for either an entire semester or up to an entire academic year at a time. In special cases, leave of absence can be granted for more than one year. Such applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Leave of absence will not be granted retroactively further back than the current semester/study year.

There is no limit to the number of times a student can be granted leave of absence during a study period, as long as the student has grounds for being granted leave of absence. Students must submit a new application, with new documentation, in the event of an extension beyond the granted period of leave of absence.

During periods when students are on leave from the university, the period of leave does not affect the student’s right to study. 

How to apply for leave of absence?

Applications with attachments must be sent to the university via the Online form.

You can apply for leave of absence throughout the academic year.

Documentation requirements

The grounds for the application must be documented and attached to the application. 
For example, valid documentation is: 

  • Recent medical certificate 
  • Call-up to military service  
  • confirmation of due date or birth certificate 
  • confirmation of position in student politics 
  •  documentation of other specific reasons 

After the period of leave of absence

After the leave has ended, arrangements must be made for you to resume your studies as quickly as possible. You must adhere to the current study plan and syllabus at all times.

You must notify the college that you wish to resume your studies after the end of leave of absence.

Deferred entry 

If you are a new student and have decided not to start your studies in the semester you have been admitted to (due to military service, childbirth, adoption or other special reasons), you must apply for deferred entry until the following year within three weeks of receiving the offer. 

Current regulations 

Act relating to universities and university colleges

Public Administration Act

Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Last modified May 16, 2023 1:26 PM