Norwegian version of this page

Recognition of education

If you already have higher education qualifications, you may apply to have all or parts of these qualifications recognised in your studies at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. 

What can be recognised

If you have taken courses that have similar content to courses at INN University, you may have these recognised as part of the degree you study at INN. In order to have the education recognised, it must be passed and it must be documented that the academic requirements for a specific examination, degree or education have been met. Education from foreign institutions, tertiary vocational education or prior learning and work experience may provide a basis for exemption from the examination. 

In order to be awarded a degree or issued a diploma from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, at least 60 credits must have been taken at our institution. 

Applications for recognition and exemption are assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Academic assessment against study plans and learning outcome descriptions for a specific course/education/study programme.
  • The academic requirements set by INN University for a specific exam, degree or education must be met.
  • It must be documented that the external education is at least at the same level as the education for which recognition or exemption is sought at INN University. Courses at bachelor's level are not recognised as courses in a master's degree. Courses at master's level can be recognised as courses in a bachelor's degree.
  • Courses, subjects, exams or tests that are recognised and provide grounds for exemption must be passed.
  • Sub-courses and sub-exams are not recognised, and no exemption is granted for sub-courses or sub-exams.
  • Education that forms part of the admission basis for a degree cannot be recognised as part of the degree.
  • Double credit is not given for the same subject content within the same degree.
  • The education and competence sought for recognition must be sufficiently documented
  • Level of vocational school education must in each case be assessed in accordance with level descriptions in the National Qualifications Framework. Certain two-year vocational schools correspond to learning outcome descriptions at the level of university college graduate

How to apply

  • Applications for recognition of education are sent via the online form together with attachments.

  • Remember the subject code, subject name, semester and year of study for the subject for which you are applying for exemption at INN University.

  • Attach course descriptions and reading lists.  
  • The application must be submitted in writing within one month after the start of the course.  
  • You can only apply for recognition after you have been registered/admitted as a student at the university, but you can contact the programme of study’s student advisor in advance if you want guidance and information. 

Documentation requirements

Attach course descriptions and reading lists. 

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences may obtain information electronically from most Norwegian educational institutions regarding results, with the exception of the Norwegian Business School. Therefore, it is not necessary to attach a copy of your transcript of grades and diplomas, unless you have qualifications from the Norwegian Business School. 

If you are applying to have educational qualifications from a foreign institution recognised, you must enclose certified copies of diplomas and transcripts of grades for the courses in question. A transcript of grades with English course names must also be attached (for use in the Diploma Supplement). 

Guidelines for recognition


The university college must recognise passed education from other institutions that offer accredited studies in accordance with uh-law, as long as the professional requirements are met. Upon recognition, you must not take a corresponding course or education at INN University.


The university college can grant exemptions for parts of education on the basis of other documented relevant education. This applies, for example, to education from vocational schools, foreign institutions, education provided by other Norwegian institutions that do not offer accredited studies in accordance with uh-law, or on the basis of documented practical competence. If exempted, you must not take a corresponding course or education at INN University.

Given credits

It must be awarded with the same number of credits as the course or education in question at INN University. No more credits can be obtained at INN University than have been obtained at the institution awarding the examination.

Example 1 (cf. Circular F-04-18): Course at exam-taking institution A amounts to 5 credits, Corresponding course at INN University amounts to 10 credits. The student receives credit for 5 credits at INN University (as at the institution taking the exam). The student must not take the course again, but must possibly take 5 credits in another course or subject to satisfy the requirements for the number of credits to obtain a degree.

Example 2 (cf. Circular F-04-18): Course from examination institution A amounts to 10 credits, and the corresponding course at INN University amounts to 5 credits. The student receives a credit for the course with 5 credits as at INN University.

Framework controlled educations

Where regulations on framework controlled educations have special provisions on recognition and exemption, these are the ones that apply when assessing recognition and exemption.

Connection requirements

In order to be awarded a degree from INN University, a minimum of 60 credits included in the degree must be taken at INN University, cf. section 3-6 of the study regulations.

Prerequisites for awarding a new degree

Upon cognition of education that has previously formed the basis for an awarded degree at INN University, or as part of a degree or vocational education, you must complete a minimum of 60 new credits before a new degree can be awarded from INN University. The rector can set requirements for up to 90 new study credits for certain study programmes, cf. § 3-8 of the study regulations.

The same credits/course can count towards two degrees, but you must take a minimum of 60 new credits at INN University to be awarded a new degree. The academic requirements for the new degree must be met.


Recognition and exemption will be shown in the certificate.

Prior recognition

Applications for recognition and exemption are only processed when you has received an offer of admission and accepted the place. No prior recognition of education is given.

Current regulations

Act relating to universities and university colleges

Public Administration Act

Regulations for Admission, Programmes of Study and Examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Regulations on admission to higher education (Norwegian)

Last modified May 16, 2023 1:11 PM