Norwegian version of this page

The right to study

Once you have accepted an offer of admission to a programme of study and registered, you have the right to study in accordance with the nominal length of study for the relevant programme you have been admitted to. Admission to a programme of study gives you the right to participate in all teaching and assessment activities in the programme you have been admitted to.

You must do this to retain your right to study

In order to retain the right to study, you must pay the semester fee, confirm the education plan and/or register each semester within the applicable deadlines, cf. § 5-2 of the study regulations. 

You must do this if you are delayed compared to the normal length of study

If you are delayed in your studies in relation to the standard time, the right to study is retained for up to an additional year, cf. the study regulations § 5-1(4). In such cases, you must contact the faculty to have your education plan adjusted.

In cases where students have reserved study places, leave or temporary exclusion from the university, the right to study does not run.

Further extension of the right to study

In special cases, the right to study can be further extended upon application from you.

Application for extended study rights are sent via Nettskjema together with attachments.

Together with the application, you must attach a progress plan for how the degree is to be completed within the extended study period applied for.

You can apply for extended study rights throughout the academic year. No specific deadlines.

Assessment-criteria when processing applications for extended study rights

  • A limited number of study credits remain. For example, only the bachelor's or master's thesis, or one semester of the study.
  • The academic community/supervisor must assess the likelihood that the student will be able to complete within the new study period.
  • On master's programmes, the student should have started the master's thesis before the right to study in accordance with standard time expires.
  • Documentation for the reason for the delay will not normally be required. Instead, emphasis must be placed on how realistic the student's plan for completion is, as well as the professional environment's assessment of the possibility of completing the study.
  • Where there are clearly documented medical conditions underlying the application, this must be taken into account in the assessment of the application.

Changes to the original study plan/course description

If you do not complete within the standard study time, and significant changes have been made to the study plan in the meantime, or the study program/course has been discontinued, the right to complete according to the original study plan/course description applies for one year after the change was made effective, cf the study regulations § 5-1 (7).

Significant changes are, for example, extensive changes in learning outcome descriptions or composition of subjects in a study plan.

Academic assessment is used as the basis for deciding whether you should be able to complete according to the original plan beyond one year after a significant change or discontinuation of a study programme.

Duration of the extended study period

No more than one semester with extended study rights is normally granted. Where it is necessary for you to complete, you can get up to one study year with extended study rights. You cannot anticipate a further extension of the right to study.

Rights in the case of extended study rights

The university has the option to limit the rights that come with extended study rights, cf. section 5-1 (4) of the study regulations.

The university may, for example, require that you take certain courses within a limited time period or in a certain order, or that you cannot take courses that do not belong to the study program you are entitled to study on.

The Norwegian Film School

Students at the Norwegian Film School cannot retain the right to study beyond the normal study period.


Students who, due to a long-term and documented illness, cannot be an active student for a period of time can, in some cases, apply for a leave of absence instead of extended study rights, cf. the study regulations section 5-5 with associated guidelines.

Termination and loss of the right to study

According to § 5-3 of the study regulations, your right to study automatically ends when:

  • You yourself confirm that you are withdrawing from the programme of study 
  • The studies have been completed and a diploma or transcript of grades has been issued 
  • You do not pay the semester fee, do not confirm the education plan and/or register within the given deadlines

According to § 5-4 of the study regulations, you lose the right to study when:

  • You have exceeded the stipulated limit regarding nominal length of study and extended time 
  • You have exhausted your attempts at the examination or the period of professional training 
  • You are not on leave or temporarily banned, and have not taken and passed an exam during the last academic year in accordance with the current study plan
  • You have not taken and passed the examination during the previous academic year in accordance with the applicable programme description 
  • You do not submit, on request, original documents that provide the basis for admission to the programme of study 
  • You do not show up at the start of a programme of study where attendance is required 

Relevant regulations

LOV-1967-02-10 Administration Act

FOR-2017-01-26-98 Regulations on admission, studies and examinations at the Inland Norway University College of Applied Sciences

Last modified Apr. 25, 2023 1:09 PM