Norwegian version of this page

Check lists

Familiarize yourself with what you need to prepare before, during and after your exchange.

Important information

All students going on exchange need to be aware of the following:

  • The validity of their passport
  • What is covered by the health (and travel) insurance
  • If a residence permit/visa and vaccines are required
  • Declaration of Personal Information has to be submitted before departure
  • Familiarize oneself with INN University's advice for safety abroad.

Exchange student looking at the view from atop a mountain hill

Before departure

Declaration of Personal Information

All students travelling on exchange must complete the digital Declaration of Personal Information form (external link) before departure.

If there are changes to the form during the exchange, the student is obliged to inform his/her International Coordinator at INN University.


Check if your scholarship accommodates exchange possibilities during your degree at INN University. 


If you choose to go on exchange to one of our Erasmus+ partners, you are eligible to receive an additional scholarship. For study-related exchange, an amount of 410-460 EUR is awarded per month (additional 200 EUR per month for traineeship). The scholarship is not provided to students going to European institutions where a partnership agreement does not exist between the institution and INN University.


Nordplus offers scholarships to students who wish to study at a partner institution or do an internship in a partner country. This is meant as additional financial support, on top of the student`s main scholarship. To be eligible for support, your study program must be included in one of the Nordplus networks. The rates vary in relation to each programme. 


INN University recommends that all students going abroad apply for insurance that may cover expenses due to COVID-19.

Health insurance

All students travelling abroad must have health insurance. Make sure to check what your health insurance do and do not cover. All students are obliged to submit the Declaration of Personal Information before departing from Norway, which provides information on insurance during the exchange.

Many INN University students choose the ANSA Student Insurance (external link in Norwegian) when going on exchange. The insurance includes contents insurance in the country of study, health insurance, and 60-days of travel insurance outside the country of study at a student-friendly price.

European Health Insurance Card

This (free) card provides you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during your exchange in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The access will be provided under the same conditions and costs as people insured in the country.

Be aware of the limitations with the card (external link); especially that it is not an alternative to travel insurance, and that it does not guarantee free services. 

Travel insurance (heavily recommended)

All students should have additional insurance - both health and travel insurance - during their exchange. INN University does not offer insurances.  

Order tickets

Book tickets well in advance of departure. Return tickets are often cheaper than two single tickets (applies to most airlines). If you are unsure of the return date, many airlines have the option for customers to change the departure date later (for payment). If necessary, contact a travel agency.

If you have to change flights during the journey, the return ticket can often be postponed free of charge. However, it depends on the number of available seats. In some cases, you can include stops at other destination(s) during your journey. Check whether this option is possible or not with the airline company. If this option is possible, many companies require an additional fee.

Passport / ID card

Make sure to check the validity of your passport / ID card. The passport / ID card must be valid for the entire exchange period, as well as up to 3-6 months after returning to Norway (depending on the country of destination). If it expires before, make sure to renew it as soon as possible.

Be aware that getting a new passport / ID card can take several weeks (or longer). It is not possible to travel beyond EU/EEA with an ID card. 

Safety abroad

Familiarize yourself with INN University's advice for safety abroad.

Semester fee at INN University

Students, who travel on exchange as a part of their degree at INN University, are obliged to pay the semester fee at INN University to retain their student status.


Some destinations require students to take vaccines before arrival (external link). This applies especially to students within the field of Health and Education, going on an internship abroad.

Contact the Vaccination Office in your Municipality to request information on necessary vaccines. Be aware that some vaccines must be taken several times before your departure, and they are not free of charge.


Make sure to familiarize yourself with rules regarding COVID-19 vaccination and entry into your country of exchange.

Visa & residence permit

Check if the country you are travelling to requires a visa/residence permit, based on your nationality. Many countries outside Europe require that incoming students have visas.

If you have an EU/EEA-citizenship and travel to another EU/EEA country, you can wait to apply for a residence permit until you arrive in the host country. For more information, see our website on visa & residence permits.

During the exchange

Course changes

If you need to change courses during your exchange, notify your International Coordinator at INN University. If you do not inform us, we cannot guarantee that INN University will include the credits in your degree after completion of the exchange.

Emergencies/support and help during the exchange

All students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with INN University's advice for safety abroad in an emergency.

If you encounter issues with the study offers and/or welfare schemes along the way, contact the International Office at the foreign institution first. You can contact the International Office at INN University if you need assistance from us.

Special situations may arise where you require assistance from others:

  • If you are in a critical situation or need legal advice while abroad, contact the closest embassy or foreign service mission. You can find addresses to Norwegian foreign service missions at (external link).
  • If you become ill during the exchange, you have the right to use the country's public health service. However, be aware that the quality of the offer may vary and that insurances are essential to get expenses covered.
  • The Norwegian Sjømannskirken has Student Chaplains who can assist you if you need a confidential conversation, assistance, are exposed to abuse or serious incidents. View Sjømannskirken's webpage for further information (external link).
  • ANSA has advisers who provide outgoing students advice and tips regarding their country of destination. They know the local conditions where you are. ANSA also offers free legal aid through ANSA's student insurance if you should become involved in a lawsuit during your exchange.

Social media

The International Office has its own Instagram account for outgoing students (external link). All exchange students are encouraged to follow us and share photos and use the hashtag #INNutveksling. It is also possible to take over the account for one day during their exchange.

We provide information before and after departure to alls students going on an exchange. It is also possible to send a request to the International Coordinator responsible for the Instagram account. Remember to include your student number in the e-mail.

Student ambassadors

All students on an exchange are INN University ambassadors. Outgoing students will receive a request from the International Office before and during the exchange, to assist students going abroad to the same destination in a later semester. Many students may have specific questions which the Ambassadors can provide the best reply.

Upon returning to INN University, students will be ambassadors for the destination of their exchange.

After completed exchange

International Campus

Become an International Buddy

In some of our Campuses, you can apply to the International Office to become a Buddy for international exchange students coming to INN University. Upon completion of the programme, 5 ECTS are awarded. For more information, check out the programme’s webpage (external link).

Promote exchange

You can contribute to the promotion of exchange by informing your fellow students and others about your stay by participating in presentations or attending information meetings organized by the International Office. In addition, a joint Information Day is held each semester for students going abroad in the following semester. Students, who have returned, are encouraged to attend if asked.

Mandatory exchange report

All students must submit a compulsory online report after completing their exchange. The form is a short survey for the students who went abroad. Your answers will be used for future students interested in going abroad to the same destination.

Traineeship for recent graduates

Students, who wish to gain international experience after completing their degree at INN University, can apply for a traineeship after the completed degree. Students completing degrees in 2022 can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship (approx. € 560-610 per month) for traineeships in programme countries. However, be aware that students can only receive the scholarship for 12 months per full degree.

Erasmus+ checklist

Before departure

  1. Complete the Learning Agreement (Traineeship Agreement for internships). The document must be signed by the head of your study programme and the international coordinator at INN University. It also serves as an approval that the courses/practice.
  2. Submit to your international coordinator your bank account information.  
  3. Complete and sign the Grant Agreement - you will receive information when the document is ready for signing.
  4. Complete the Online Language Test (OLS) part 1. (NOTE! The OLS language test has been put on hold for the academic year 2022/2023). 

While abroad

  1. Deliver the Arrival Form signed by the international coordinator at the institution abroad.
  2. Return the Learning Agreement signed by the institution abroad (can be done before departure).

Once the documents have been submitted to the international office at INN University, 80% of the Erasmus scholarship will be paid out. Please notice that it can take up to 4 weeks until you get the money in your account.

After returning to Norway

  1. Complete the Erasmus+ Report.
  2. Provide the Traineeship Certification (for internships only).
  3. Complete the Online Language Test (OLS) part 2. (NOTE! The OLS language test has been put on hold for the academic year 2022/2023). 

The remaining payment (20%) will be transferred.