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Double degree at ZHAW

Main entrance at ZHAW in sunshine

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Campus Grüental, is one of three campuses in the city of Wädenswil in Zürich in Sveits. The city has a little over 20.000 inhabitants.

The double degree program with ZHAW is only available for MAOK students.

General information

Available places

10 per year.

Students can choose to stay in Switzerland for one or two semesters.

Grade average requirement

Places are allocated according to a motivation letter and, if necessary, the grade average of their bachelor’s degree.

Breakdown of semesters

  • Autumn semester: Middle of September – End of December (exam period in January).
  • Spring semester: Middle/End of February – End of May/Beginning of June (Exam period in June).

Courses and thesis at ZHAW

Students must take a minimum of 30 ECTS in Switzerland. It is a pre-approved package of subjects that replaces the second semester (and possibly the third semester) at INN University. Please download and view the following PDF document to see the course package at ZHAW.

Master thesis

The master's thesis is written for both INN and ZHAW and demands that the students have a supervisor from each institution. The thesis can be either 30 or 60 ECTS.

Degree from ZHAW

Students completing the double degree programme will receive the following diplomas:

  • Master of Applied Ecology from INN University.
  • Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resources from ZHAW.