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Employee mobility

Through Erasmus +, employees can go on exchange visits to teach or receive training. Both academic staff and employees in technical-administrative positions have the opportunity to travel on Erasmus + exchange.

Application process and deadlines:

1 November (mobility during the spring semester)

1 April  (mobility during the fall semester)



Staff mobility for training

Erasmus + staff mobility for training should support both scientific and technical-administrative staff. The training may be at another higher education institution or another company or organization. An institutional agreement is not required between the sending institution and the recipient institution/company in order for a training stay to be carried out.

A mobility for employees who are to be trained can range from 2 days to 4 weeks. In addition, a travel day can be added in advance and after the exchange stay if the employee needs it to get to where the training takes place.

Training stays cover the following activities: job shadowing/observation, workshop/course/seminars, staff training weeks.

NB! Any course fees must be covered by the scholarship you are awarded, you do not get an extra scholarship because you have to pay a course fee. Attendance at conferences is not approved as a training stay. The scholarship funds also cannot be used for employees to travel to (new) partner institutions to establish/maintain institutional cooperation.


NB2! The scholarship is paid from the international office after the completed trip. The institute/department at the faculty processes and pays the travel bill in the usual way and subsequently requests an internal transfer of the scholarship via Unit4.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no guarantee that the Erasmus+ stipend will cover all costs. Any discrepancy between the costs of travel and subsistency and the stipend amount must be covered by the institute/faculty of the employee who went on exchange.

Participation at major conferences, such as EAIE or equivalent, is not approved as a training stay. The scholarship funds should also not be used for employees to travel to (new) partner institutions to establish/maintain institutional cooperation.

1: How do I proceed to go on staff mobility for training?

Contact the international coordinator at your campus for information on scholarship funding and which HINN Erasmus + partner institution you should choose. In the case of training, an institutional agreement is not required. You can travel to a higher education institution, a company or an organization outside of HINN's partner portfolio. The grants are awarded on an ongoing basis until the scholarship funds are spent.

Clarify with your immediate superior that he/she approves the training stay. Note that Erasmus + employee mobility is considered a scholarship (!) and not as a business trip. This means that a supplement and a foreign supplement from the Government's special agreement are not applicable.

Contact the educational institution, company or organization you wish to travel to and find out when it might fit with a visit. Contract time and schedule for the stay must be generated.

Complete the form (Erasmus + Staff Mobility training) and send it to Anna Hald Refsgaard at Note that:

  • the application must be approved and signed by your nearest manager
  • the application must be approved and signed by the recipient institution
  • the stay must have at least 2 days (e.g. travel) max. 8 weeks
  • the application must have a scheduled program for your stay (there is no minimum number of hours per day)
  • contain the main goals and expected results of the learning activities of a program for the mobility period (these requirements are met by completing and signing the contract document).

An Erasmus + stay does not entail any extra expenses for the department, as the expenses will be covered by the grant awarded. See the overview of rates under the heading "What do I get in support?". Any additional costs (beyond the scholarship rates) resulting from expensive flights, expensive hotels, Michelin restaurant visits, etc. must be covered by you. These costs will not be refunded.

2: Once scholarships are granted

Book flights and hotels, etc. well in advance of departure to get favourable prices. Be sure to save receipts for food, drink and transportation expenses during your stay. These will be added to the travel bill in the DFØ app after your stay.

3: Before you return home

At the end of the stay, the recipient institution must issue documentation confirming the start and end dates of the stay, and that the agreed activities have been completed. Complete the form Confirmation of stay (teaching + training), which forms the final part of the Mobility Agreement, and get a representative from the host institution to sign it.

4: After your stay

While completing the travel expenses after your stay, choose UTENLANDSREISE and fill in the expenses you have had for travel, stay and food (remember to save receipts). Do not enter a cost allowance or a foreign supplement. In the comment field, write: "STIPENDREISE, ERASMUS + STAFF EXCHANGE". You send your travel bill to your leader at your institute. 

NB2! The scholarship is paid from the international office after the completed trip. The institute/department at the faculty processes and pays the travel bill in the usual way and subsequently requests an internal transfer of the scholarship via Unit4.

After the mobility stay has ended, the employee must complete and submit a Participant Report from the stay. The link to the report form is sent by e-mail to the employee after the end date of the stay has passed (the report is automatically generated in the mobility tool).

Staff mobility for teaching

Through Erasmus +, employees can go on mobility stay for teaching at a partner institution. The stay can range from 2 days to 4 weeks. In addition, a travel day can be added in advance and after the exchange if the employee needs it to get to the partner institution. Travel days cannot be counted to meet the minimum duration requirement.

The employee must have at least 8 hours of teaching per week (or for a shorter period than one week). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the number of hours in the incomplete week is considered proportional to the number of days. Teaching can have different forms such as. seminars, lectures and guidance. The teaching requires that the teacher is physically present with the students.

Teaching stays for employees who involve companies/organizations must always be from a company/organization to a higher education institution. Companies/organizations in partner countries can send employees to teach at higher education institutions in program countries, but they cannot accept employees from educational institutions in program countries for training. The only possible activity for companies/organizations in partner countries is to send employees to teach at a higher education institution in a program country. Program countries are the countries that fully participate in the Erasmus + program.

NB2! The scholarship is paid from the international office after the completed trip. The institute/department at the faculty processes and pays the travel bill in the usual way and subsequently requests an internal transfer of the scholarship via Unit4.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no guarantee that the Erasmus+ stipend will cover all costs. Any discrepancy between the costs of travel and subsistency and the stipend amount must be covered by the institute/faculty of the employee who went on exchange.

1: How do I proceed to go on staff mobility for training?

Contact the international coordinator at your campus for information on scholarship funding, and which of HINN's Erasmus + partner institutions it may be appropriate to travel to. The grants are awarded on an ongoing basis, until the scholarship funds have been used up.

Clarify with your immediate superior that he/she approves the stay. Note that Erasmus + employee mobility is considered a scholarship and not as a business trip. This means that a supplement and a foreign supplement from the Government's special agreement are not applicable.

Contact the professional contact person at the HINN Erasmus + partner institutions you wish to travel to and inquire about when it might be suitable for a visit. Appointment period and lesson plan for your stay.

Fill out the form (Erasmus + Staff Mobility - teaching) and send it to Anna Hald Refsgaard at Note that:

  • the application must be approved and signed by the nearest manager
  • the application must be approved and signed by the recipient institution
  • your stay must have at least 2 days (excluding travel) max. 8 weeks
  • the application must have documented at least 8 teaching hours (per week)
  • the application must contain the main goals and expected results of the learning activities
  • the application must contain a program for the mobility period (these requirements are met by completing and signing the contract document).

An Erasmus + stay therefore does not entail any extra expenses for the department, as the expenses will be covered over the grant awarded. See the overview of rates under the heading "What do I get in support?". Any additional costs (beyond the scholarship rates) resulting from expensive flights, expensive hotels, Michelin restaurant visits, etc. must be covered by you and will not be refunded.

2: Once scholarships are granted

Book flights, hotels, etc. well ahead of departure to get favorable prices. Make sure to save your receipts for expenses for food, drink and transport during your stay. These are entered in the travel bill in the DFØ app after your stay.

3: Before you return home

At the end of the stay, the receiving institution must issue documentation that confirms the start and end date of the stay, as well as that the agreed activities have been carried out. Fill in the Confirmation of stay (teaching + training) form, which forms the last part of the mobility agreement, and have a representative from the host institution sign it.

4: After your stay

When filling in the travel bill, you select travel abroad and fill in the expenses you have had for travel, accommodation and food (remember to save on receipts). Remember that extra expenses (over and above the scholarship rates) as a result of expensive flights, expensive hotels, visits to Michelin restaurants etc. must be covered by you as an employee and will not be reimbursed.
You must not enter a subsistence allowance or foreign allowance. In the comment field, write: "STIPENDREISE, ERASMUS+ ANSATTUTVEKSLING". The travel bill is sent to your leader at your institute.

NB2! The scholarship is paid from the international office after the completed trip. The institute/department at the faculty processes and pays the travel bill in the usual way and subsequently requests an internal transfer of the scholarship via Unit4.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no guarantee that the Erasmus+ stipend will cover all costs. Any discrepancy between the costs of travel and subsistency and the stipend amount must be covered by the institute/faculty of the employee who went on exchange.

After the mobility stay has ended, the employee must complete and submit a participant report from the stay. A link to the report form is sent to the employee by e-mail, after the end date of the stay has passed (the report is automatically generated in the Mobility Tool).

What do I get in support?

Scholarship rates:

Destination Sats per dag
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Sweden  € 130
Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Germany and Austria € 115
Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Czech Republic and Hungary € 100

From the 15th day of the stay, 70% of the rate is given.

Travel rates:

Travel rates Rate per participant
Between 10 and 99 km € 20
Between 100 and 499 km € 180
Between 500 and 1999 km € 275

Between 2000 and 2999 km

€ 360
Between 3000 and 3999 km € 530
Between 4000 and 7999 km € 820
8000 km and more

€ 1500

Use the distance calculator (external link) to find out how far to travel.