Documentation of financing & deposit account

All students from outside the EU/EEA/EFTA countries need to provide documentation of sufficient funds to cover their living expenses in Norway.

Bilateral exchange students from visa & visa-free countries

For the academic year 2024/2025, the minimum amount is:

  • NOK 151 690 for one year (2024/2025), or
  • NOK 68 950 NOK for fall 2024, or
  • NOK 825 740 NOK for spring 2025.

The last two options apply if you stay for only one semester.

To see the list of countries with visa exception agreements with Norway, view the UDI webpage (external link).

Exceptions: Bilateral students on an Erasmus+/EEA scholarship do not have to submit their funds. 

Consequences of not submitting the deposit

Students outside the EU/EEA/EFTA must deposit the requested amount (as stated above) into a Norwegian bank account. If you do not have a bank account in Norway, you may use the Deposit Account of INN University.

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) (external link) enforces this rule strictly. They will, in most cases, not accept other means of documentation, such as a bank statement from a bank in your home country or financial guarantees from relatives or other third parties. If the UDI does not accept the documentation, it will affect the residence permit application for both

  • the final result (the residence permit/visa application might be denied), and,
  • the processing time (the length of the processing time of the application will be much longer than average, which is two months).

As a result, you will not obtain your residence permit/visa in time to start your studies. 

Deposit account

Students without a Norwegian personal ID number cannot open a Norwegian bank account abroad and transfer the requested amount to such accounts before applying for a residence permit/visa. They must transfer the deposit to INN University's Deposit Account in DnB NOR ASA. The Deposit Account is reserved for international students from visa countries outside the EU/EEA. 

Students with an existing Norwegian bank account or a Norwegian ID number, which enables them to open a bank account in Norway, must transfer their money to their bank account, not the INN University Deposit Account. They must then request the confirmation of funds from one's bank.

The International Office will provide further information by e-mail to admitted students. 

Accessing the deposited money after arrival

Students can apply for an advancement of the deposit (NOK 20.000) through a reloadable debit card while waiting for their Norwegian ID number and bank account (the waiting time takes approximately two months). They must complete the police registration and appointment to be eligible for advancement.

Upon receiving a Norwegian bank account, they can apply for a transfer of the remaining funds.

Last modified Apr. 24, 2024 4:12 PM