EU/EEA citizens & citizens of Switzerland

Familiarize yourself with what you need to do according to your nationality and duration of stay at INN University.

No registration is necessary for visits lasting less than 90 days. For exchange lasting up to 6 months (1 semester), complete only step 1. Students planning to reside for over six months in Norway must complete all three steps. 

Students who have resided in Norway for more than six months and have received a Norwegian National Identification Number only need to complete step 2 (reporting a move and booking an ID check with the Tax Office) within eight days after arrival (external link). 

1: Online registration (after arrival)

Citizens of the EU/EEA & Switzerland do not need to apply for a residence permit but are required to register (free) at a local police station within 90 days after arrival. Complete the online registration form (external link), but be aware that:

  • For international students studying at Evenstad, Hamar, Lillehammer or Rena, an appointment for all students will be booked by the International Office at one's Campus on one of the first days of the semester. If one's arrival is delayed, the student needs to notify the International Coordinator as soon as possible and book the appointment at the police station themselves.
  • International students studying at Campus Elverum must book the appointment through the UDI webpage. The International Office will not secure appointments for students.

2: Reporting a move to Norway (after arrival) - visiting the Police Station and the Tax Office

Students staying over six months must report a move to Norway and apply for a Norwegian National Identity Number. Please view the Norwegian Tax Administration's webpage (external link) for detailed information.

Meet up at the local police station in person during the appointment and submit the following documents: 

  • Letter of Admission from INN University.
  • Document confirming one has the funds to study in Norway, provided by INN University.
  • Housing contract (tenancy agreement).
  • Passport or National ID-Card valid for six months beyond the planned stay.
  • European Health Insurance Card or proof of other private health insurance coverage.

Book an appointment (external link) before visiting the Tax Office. Bring the following documents for the appointment:

  • Passport or national ID card containing your sex (!).
  • Registration certificate issued by the police.
  • Housing contract (tenancy agreement).
  • Letter of Admission from INN University.
  • The completed immigration form (RF1401E).

3: Forwarding the confirmation to INN University

You must deliver a copy of the confirmation of immigration from Skatteetaten to the International Office at one's Campus of study. Drop by the Office or forward a copy by e-mail. 

Last modified May 21, 2024 12:41 PM