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List of software for employees and students at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Available applications

Audio and screen recording

Digital teaching and video conference

  • Microsoft Teams - Video conferencing tool that is a part of Microsoft Office 365. Available to employees and students. See information here.
  • Zoom - Video conferencing tool for e.g. online teaching. Available to employees and students. See information here.

File sharing

  • Sikt FileSender - Cloud service for secure transfer of large files via browser to one or more recipients. Log in with FEIDE. NB! The recipient's educational institution must have permitted use of the service. See FileSender's website here.

Office and reference management tools

  • Adobe Acrobat Pro - Special program for creating and editing advanced .pdf documents. Can be ordered from IT Support. Licensed, needs financing.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud - Adobe Acrobat Pro, Photoshop, etc. Can be ordered from IT Support. Licensed, needs financing.

  • EndNote - Reference management program that integrates with Microsoft Word. Available to staff and students.See information here.

  • Microsoft Office 365 - Email and office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote and Teams). Available to staff and students. See information here.

  • Sikt KI-chat - Artificial intelligence chat from Sikt. Available to staff and students. See information here.

  • Zotero - Reference management program that integrates with Microsoft Word. Available to staff and students. See information here.

Questionnaire and registration tools

  • Nettskjema - Create and edit questionnaires, orders and registrations. The only permitted questionnaire for the collection of personal data. Available to staff and students. See information here.

Statistics and analysis

  • f4transkript and f4analyse - Analysis tools for qualitative research data. Available to employees and students. For those who are users of Educloud Research, the f4 programs are open for use after logging in. Others order by submitting this form. The software is used in the HINN network or via VPN. See information here.
  • JAMOVI - Program for statistical analysis. Integrated with R. Available for free. See the application's website here.
  • JASP Statistics - Program for statistical analysis. Supports the Open Science Framework (OSF). Available for free. See the application's website here.
  • NVivo - Analysis tool for qualitative research data. No longer available. F4 is recommended as an alternative. Existing projects can still use NVivo, but new licenses will not be issued. See information here.
  • R / R Studio - Program for analysis and presentation of research data etc. Available for free. See the application's website here.
  • SAS - Analysis tool for quantitative data. Can be ordered from IT Support. Licensed, needs financing. See the application's website here.
  • SPSS - Analysis tools for quantitative research data. Available to employees and students through remote access (RemoteApp). See information here.
  • StataSE - Analysis tools for quantitative research data. Available to employees and students, can be ordered by sending an email to
  • UiO Autotekst - Transcription service that automatically converts sound-to-text from e.g. interviews and meetings. Can also be used for video subtitling. See information here.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Applications not listed here can be considered.

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Applications we can't order

Schrems II judgment: a ruling in principle on the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU / EEA. For more information: Schrems II - a summary.

Below is a list of software we are often asked to acquire, but which for various reasons cannot be done. The list is not exhaustive.

  • Dropbox
    Alternative: Microsoft OneDrive.
  • Explain Everything
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • GatherTown
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • Grammarly
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • H5P
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • Kahoot
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • Mentimeter
    Reason: Schrems II.
    Alternative: Nettskjema/Microsoft Forms.
  • Microsoft Stream
    Alternative: Panopto.
  • myOnvent
    Reason: Schrems II.
    Alternative: Teams/Zoom.
  • Nearpod
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • NVivo Collaboration Cloud
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • Padlet
    Reason: Schrems II.
    Alternative: Microsoft Whiteboard.
  • Piktochart
    Reason: Schrems II.
  • Questback
    Alternative: Nettskjema.
  • SurveyMonkey
    Alternative: Nettskjema.
  • Tappin
    Reason: Schrems II.
    Alternative: Teams/Zoom.