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f4transkript and f4analyse

Analysis tool for qualitative research data. Freely available to staff and students

For users in Educloud Research the f4-applications are available for use after signing in. Other users order a license by sending in the form below. The applications must be used on the HINN-network or via VPN.

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The software is divided into f4transcript and f4analysis which can be used together or independently of each other. f4 is considered a practical and effective tool for transcribing interviews and focus group interviews, and is easier to master than, for example, NVivo.

All use of qualitative tools for research, master's and bachelor's theses that include interviews and other processing of personal data entails a duty to report to NSD Privacy Services for each relevant project. This does not apply to testing, practice and subject assignments.

User guides

Last modified Nov. 1, 2022 9:21 AM