Norwegian version of this page

Image database Colourbox

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences subscribes to the databases of Colourbox, giving students and staff free access to thousands of professional photos and imagery for use in non-commercial assignments, projects and lectures. 

How to access Colourbox

  1. Use the following link
  2. Choose menupoint ”Educational license” from the bottom menu – left side of the screen.
  3. Enter your activation code and then fill in the registration form.
    Log in to Office365 with Feide for code ( and password).
    For faculty/staff the code can also be found at Innafor.

You will further receive an e-mail containing a username and password, which you will need to log in to the database.

You must reactivate your access every autumn

Each summer the university receives a new activation code, i.e. at every start of semester in autumn, both students and staff must reactivate their code for continued access.

How to reactivate your code:

  1. Log on to your Colourbox-account.
  2. Ignore the pop-up-window prompting you to renew your code
  3. Instead go to
  4. Enter the new activation code (to be found in your Faculty room in Canvas, and for faculty/staff at Innafor)
  5. Click on "Send"


In need of help to get started? Contact Communication and Marketing

Our licensing agreement

Colourbox specializes in scandinavian illustrations, and the database updates with more than 10 000 new professional photos/imagery every month. Both of their own production, and contributions from 160 external photographers.
The license agreement gives us:

  • free use of photos/imagery for marketing the university, for our web-site and for a school newspaper
  • free use of photos/imagery for teaching purposes (lectures, reports, study plans/syllabus etc.)
  • free use of photos/imagery for student assignments (project assignments, reports etc.)

All photos/imagery are in high resolution, ready for print. We have permission to make creative alterations and adaptations to all photos/imagery.
You may not use photos or imagery from Colourbox in any commercial enterprise, where the aim is to make a profit.