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Composition of written assignments

This is a general overview on composition and design of written assignments. Requirements may differ from course to course.

Written assignments - template for Word

Inland Norway University of Applied sciences no longer presents you with ready-made templates. Word processing programs like Word have features for using/creating styles, headings, table of contents etc.
The University recommends using the web-pages of Search & Write, where you will find guides on formal requirements for the composition and design of written assignments. You will also find useful tips concerning academic writing.
For semester assignments and home exams, special terms on form and structure may apply.

Front page template

Most written assignments require a standardized front page, although some course requirements may deviate from this. 
Following is an example of what the front page might look like (click for enlarged illustration):

Example of what a front page might look like

Formal requirements for the front page:

  • The font Arial should be used for all text on the front page
  • Font size as shown in the example-page is indicative, and should be adapted depending on the amount of text
  • Logo and text should be centered
  • The University logo needs to be on the front page. Download logo here.

Candidate-number or name on the front page?

For master- and bachelortheses, and for extensive semester assignments, both varieties are in use. Your professor or your counsellor can help clarify which variety to use for which assignment.
For exams, you would normally use candidate-number on the front page.

Remember to verify whether there are particular requirements on structure for the front page and for the paper in your course.

Frequently asked questions regarding Word

How to make a table of contents?

Questions regarding pagination (page numbers)

How to remove first-page pagination?

How to start writing on a new page?

Hitting ENTER until a new page appears is a commonly used solution. However, this means that whenever you add more text on the previous page, the contents of your «new page» moves downward.
Solution: press Ctrl+Enter or choose Insert > Page break from the top menu.
To delete a page break: choose ¶ to show hidden formatting marks. Highlight the "Page break" and press "Delete".

How to make a hanging indent in the bibliography?

According to the APA-standard, references consisting of more than one line should be indented from the second line onwards – a so called hanging indent/second line indent.
You can use a keyboard command as you start your bibliography, or mark the text and then perform the command, to accomplish this.

This is what you do:

Windows: press Ctrl+T. Return to normal paragraph adjustment by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T.

Mac: Cmd+T

Last modified June 3, 2022 2:22 PM