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Publication of student theses

Make your theses available for others by publishing in Brage, our open institutional repository.

Brage is INN University's open institutional archive for academic and scientific work.

INN University records the following student theses in Brage:

  • Master's theses that have received A-C in the written part, i.e. before the addition of the grade in the oral examination.

Checklist prior to submission

  • Use INN University’s template to ensure the correct title page. [Title page template]
  • Check that you have referenced and used sources correctly. The thesis will be run through the plagiarism control program Ouriginal. Guidance on the correct reference technique.
  • If you make use of other people's pictures, charts, etc. in your assignment, make sure you have the right to publish them. 
  • The assignment must be submitted in PDF format.

Making the thesis publically available

For the thesis to be made available electronically in Brage, it is required that the thesis is not restricted, and that the student has given her/his consent. In general, the wish is that all theses be entered, unless there is a clear duty confidentiality. This should then be clarified with the supervisor. Read about restriction of theses.

When submitting to Inspera, you will also be provided with a form where you have to decide on the following points:

  • You check a box to indicate whether you agree to the thesis being published in Brage.
  • Should the task have limited access?

You, of course, retain the copyright to your thesis. Read more about copyright.

The student and INN University have a reciprocal and unlimited right to cancel the availability of the work.

Why publish your master's thesis online?

  • Master's theses are an important part of Norwegian research.
  • Your thesis in Brage acts towards promoting your expertise to potential employers – use it!
  • Research environments nationally and internationally can benefit from your research.
  • Knowledge must be disseminated in order to be beneficial.
  • Registration in Brage means that your thesis will be searchable in Oria, but also Google Scholar, Google, NORA and other search services. It increases the spread and visibility of the thesis.

Your thesis will have a permanent URL that you can include, for example, in your CV.