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Restriction of student theses

Theses that contain confidential information must be restricted. Students may also choose to defer or decline the online availability of the thesis.

INN University wishes for students to make their theses publicly available through publishing in Brage. In exceptional cases, however, it will be necessary to exempt a thesis from public availability (restriction).

Statutory duty of confidentiality

To restrict means to block access. Student theses containing information covered by a statutory duty of confidentiality shall be restricted. The rules on confidentiality are laid down in § 13 of the Public Administration Act.

The statutory duty of confidentiality (cf. § 13 of the Public Administration Act) apply, inter alia, where the thesis contains:

  1. information about someone's personal circumstances*
  2. information on technical facilities and procedures, as well as operational or business conditions, which it will be of competitive importance to keep secret for the sake of the party concerned.
  3. information subject to the duty of confidentiality that the student receives from an administrative body;
  4. information received confidentially from private entities in connection with the study programme / research work, and
  5. information that applies to persons who are affiliated with a relevant institution (school, hospital, institute, company, public authority, etc.) who have shared information with the student.

*Confidentiality under § 13 does not prevent the information from being used when no legitimate interest indicates that it should be kept secret, for example, when it is publically known or publically available elsewhere (cf. § 13a of the Public Administration Act, paragraph 3).

Delivery of restricted thesis

Theses containing information that is subject to statutory duty of confidentiality (the rules on confidentiality are laid down in § 13 of the Public Administration Act) shall be treated as an exception.

Such theses should not be submitted in Inspera.
They also cannot be sent as an email attachment. 

Contact your campus for more information on submission.

The student and the supervisor should complete the following form, which is to be delivered with the thesis:

Theses containing classified information should only be processed digitally in P360, INN University's archive system that has been evaluated and approved for this information category. With the exception of this, all processing/distribution should be done manually.

Deferred electronic availability in Brage

Students may, based on further justification, request deferred availability in Brage for reasons other than the statutory duty of confidentiality. This may be relevant, for example, if the student is to continue working with the material towards another publication.

In cases in which theses do not contain information subject to statutory confidentiality, INN University may, on the basis of § 33 of Copyright Act, give researchers and students access to the assignment during the period of deferred access, but without these being able to quote information from the thesis. The student may reserve the right to prevent others from reading the thesis, with the exception of researchers and students. If deferred access is evoked, the duration and justification must be stated by the student upon submission to Inspera. The thesis will then not be available in Brage until after the specified period, provided it has been approved for electronic publishing.

Last modified Apr. 21, 2022 9:43 AM