Norwegian version of this page

Policy for the management of intellectual property rights at INN University

Adopted by INN University Board 13.11.2019. Please note that the English translation is for information purposes only. For all legal purposes, the original policy in Norwegian is the authoritative version.

§ 1 Objectives

Inland Norway University of Applied Science's (INN University) purpose is teaching, research and artistic development work. INN University shall finance, generate and disseminate research based and academic-based knowledge to students, businesses and the general public.

The regulations are superior to, and governing the casuistic IPR documents that are expected to be prepared and updated by INN University’s administration, in dialogue with INN University's academic advocacy groups. In the event of any conflict between the regulations and any IPR documents, the regulations will take precedence.

The regulations do not entail a monopolization of the academic intellectual, artistic and scientific knowledge that INN University wishes to bring forth and disseminate. On the contrary, the regulations are grounded in the principle that this knowledge is free for all and should benefit the public.

INN University shall practice recognized principles of academic freedom, freedom of expression, open science, crediting, research ethics, and workers' rights.

§ 2 Beneficial rights

Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing in each individual case

  • INN University is granted beneficial rights to intellectual property, etc. that are necessary and reasonable to ensure that employment and assignment agreements shall fulfill their purpose and/or for the normal operation of the institution;
  • INN University's beneficial rights are fully compensated by the salary/remuneration that INN University pays for its employees and contractors
  • INN University's employees and contractors retain all other copyrights, etc., including all moral rights under the Intellectual Property Rights Act.
  • INN University is not granted any beneficial rights over
    • scientific and non-fiction works, including dissertations, articles and textbooks
    • artistic development work
    • teaching materials that are prepared exclusively for use in one’s own teaching
    • lectures, oral and written

The recording of lectures and other teaching, as well as their further use, is regulated separately.

For employees’ inventions, the Employee’s Inventions Act applies.

§ 3 Subjects covered by the policy

The regulations apply to all INN University employees and contractors, including temporary employees and part-time employees.

Guest researchers, guest lecturers, research fellows and students are included when and to the extent that they perform work or assignments for INN University.

§ 4 Rights covered by the policy

The beneficial rights granted to INN University are technology-neutral.

The beneficial rights include both intellectual property and works as mentioned in the neighbouring chapter of The Intellectual Property Rights Act; catalogues and databases, photographic images, audio and film recordings, etc.

For employees’ inventions, the Employees’ Inventions Act applies.

Portable media and collected material funded by INN University is owned by INN University.

§ 5 Duty of loyalty

INN University's exercise of its beneficial rights shall take into account the professional and artistic integrity of its employees and contractors, as well as the relevant rules for privacy and confidentiality.

Unless otherwise agreed upon in each individual case, INN University's employees and contractors shall

  • where it appears natural, credit INN University and its staff for financial and/or academic assistance.
  • not exploit their rights to works, etc. that are produced for INN University, in ways that are in competition with the operation carried out by INN University, or which are in other ways contrary to INN University's interests. This also applies to the exercise of secondary occupations.

§ 6 Project ownership, etc.

INN University can, as an employer and contractor, exercise general instructional and organizational authority vis-à-vis INN University's employees and contractors, including for organizing teaching, research and artistic development work.

Last modified May 27, 2022 2:13 PM