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Brage and self-archiving

Brage is INN University's Open Research Archive for academic and scientific works.

Brage is INN University's Open Research Archive for academic and scientific works. It is thus an example of the so-called green route to Open Access.

All scientific articles and much of INN's other research publications should be registered in this archive. All documents in the archive are available free of charge and in full text on the Internet. Some documents may be subjected to copyright restrictions and embargo periods and will therefore not be accessible for a certain period of time.

Why self-archive in Brage?

Brage makes research visible and freely available to all with access to the Internet. In addition the archive assures safe long-term storage of research work and selected student works. When your document is registered in Brage it is provided with a permanent link.

Norwegian National guidelines states that all publicly funded research articles must be deposited in a suitable academic repository, such as Brage. The Research Council of Norway, the EU and several other research funders require self-archiving of scientific articles which are the result of research projects wholly or partly financed by them.

Academic and scientific works which are freely available are read and cited more frequently. Scientific works in Brage are searchable in the national database NORA, (a search engine encompassing institutional archives in Norway), OpenDOAR (a search engine covering institutional archives from all over the world), OpenAIRE (the European Union's project and search engine for institutional archives), Google and other search engines.

How do I self-archive in Brage?

When you have published an article or other academic work you should register it in Cristin. Keep an accepted version of your article. Contact the corresponding author if you do not have it yourself. The accepted version is the final draft of the manuscript, including changes made after comments from peer reviewers, without the publisher's final layout. Upload this document when you register it in Cristin.

You can also contact the INN University Library to have it registered and made available in Brage.

The INN Library checks which policies/restrictions the publisher has on self-archiving. When this is done you will be notified and asked to send a specific version of the article to the library. The version of the article varies according to each publisher's policy on self-archiving. Finally, you are asked to sign a contract. You may choose a general contract authorizing the library to register and make available your future works on the condition that the publisher allows it, or you can choose an individual contract which is valid only for one specific document.

Contracts for authors

English contract – general (PDF-file)

English contract – one article (PDF-file)


Archiving in Brage is done in line with the publication agreement between author and publisher. The INN University Library therefore checks that archiving in Brage does not constitute a breach of the publisher's policy on self-archiving. If you have signed an agreement other than the standard one, please notify the library about this. SPARC and Creative Commons have worked out certain author amendments which can help you to keep the rights not only to post your articles online but also to reuse material in a non-commercial setting, for instance for teaching purposes.

The publishers often state that the final, published version of the article (publisher's PDF) cannot be used for self-archiving purposes. However, they often allow the author to self-archive the last version of the manuscript after peer review (the post-print version). You can find and read about the publishers' individual policies on self-archiving on Sherpa/Romeo. Please feel free to contact the library if you need assistance.

As author you keep the copyright to your material which is registered and made available in Brage. In other words, you do not lose the right to publish material elsewhere by self-archiving it in Brage.



Picture of Elin Opheim
Academic Librarian
+47 62 43 02 11


Picture of Lene Svendsen
Senior Librarian
+47 62 51 76 64


Picture of Loreta Burbaite
Head of Library
+47 61 28 80 36


Picture of Marieke Gonlag-Schrijvers
Head of Library
+47 62 43 04 19