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Open Access

It is INN University's goal that all research articles shall be made openly available. Researchers shall examine the possibilities for publishing their articles in open access journals and choose open access journals where academically acceptable.

How to publish open access?

Four different routes to open access

Open Access (OA) is open and free access to published scholarly articles for all with access to the Internet. There are four main ways to publish OA: gold, green, hybrid and diamond:

  • Gold OA is publishing scholarly articles in pure Open Access peer-reviewed journals. Or publishing books with full open access. The INN University publishing fund may provide funding to cover article processing charges (APC) to publish in eligible gold open access journals.
  • Green OA refers to making research results openly available in digital repositories. The INN University publishing policy states that all research articles should be archived in Brage. How to self-archive research articles in Brage.
  • Hybrid OA is when scholarly journals present writers with the possibility of paying an article processing charge to publish an article Open Access. INN University only supports this through publishing agreements with academic publishers. The agreements give researchers at HINN the opportunity to publish open access without paying a publishing fee, or at a reduced price.
  • Diamond OA refers to journals that provide full open access to their articles without charging article processing fees. These journals are often pre-financed and/or non-commercial. In Norway, there is a special scheme for open access journals within the social sciences and humanities that is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research. Other diamond open access journals can be located be searching the DOAJ register.

How to find and evaluate open access journals and publishers

  • Check if the journal or publisher you would like to publish in is registered as an authorized publication channel in the  Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. You can also use the register to identify open access journals and publishers within a scientific field. If the journal is not registered at all you can submit it for approval (the library can help you with this).
  • You should also check whether the journal is registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
  • If the journal demands that you pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) – you may send an application to the INN Open Access Publication Fund This fund is administered by the library.
  • INN University has arranged open access memberships and agreements with several publishers. Some agreements allow authors to publish their articles open access without requiring further payment to the publisher, and others entitle authors to a discounted open access fee / article processing charge (APC). Read more about the publishing deals

Funders' requirements for Open Access

INN University

The INN University's Open science policy state that "Research processes and research results, artistic development work and teaching activities at INN University shall be made openly available where possible". INN's publishing policy is based on the principle that research processes should be "as open as possible, as closed as necessary" and supports the aims in the National goals and guidelines for Open Access which states that "All publicly funded research articles must be deposited in a suitable repository no later than at the time of publication".

Norway's national goals and guidelines

The government’s goal is that all pubclicly funded Norwegian research articles should be made openly available by 2024, and the government has established guidelines and measures for open access to research articles.

The Norwegian Research Council and Plan S

The Research Council is part of cOAlition S, a coalition of research funders from several continents that sets common international requirements for full and immediate open access to research publications (Plan S).

In line with Plan S, the Research Council requires full and immediate open access to all scientific publications from the projects they fund. The requirements apply to projects with funding from calls for proposals in 2021 and onwards.

EU and Horizon Europe

If your project is funded by ​the EU, regulations ​concerning Open Access vary according to  the EU programme in question.

The EU requires that articles from projects financed through Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe be archived and made openly accessible. If possible, underlying research data should also be archived and made available.

Contact us

Email us at

You will receive a response from one of us who works with publishing support in the library:

Picture of Per Steineide Refseth
+47 62 59 79 21
Picture of Katrine Petra Fossum
+47 62 43 01 15
Picture of Ove Eide
+47 62 43 04 94