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Open Access Publishing deals

INN University has agreements with publishers for Open Access publishing in academic journals. The agreements give researchers at HINN the opportunity to publish open access without paying a publishing fee, or at a reduced price. Some of the agreements apply to subscription based journals ("hybrid open access"), and some apply to pure open access journals.

There are different agreements with different publishers. There are two ways to check if a journal is part of an agreement with INN:

Contact us if you have any questions.

Publishers and journals

Some of the agreements cover the publication fee (article processing charge) in full for the researchers at HINN. Some agreements provide a discount on the publication fee.

The agreements with the publishers do not include all of the publisher's journals. With certain publishers, we have an agreement that allows us free publishing in hybrid journals, but we must pay the publication fee in their pure open access journals (gold open access).

Most publishers inform you of the possibility that the article can be made freely available openly when you register the article with them.

The corresponding author must be an employee or student at INN (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences or Høgskolen i Innlandet), and the author must credit HINN as his/hers affiliation in the article.

When publishing in journals covered by an agreement but where a publication fee must be paid, the criteria of INNs publication fund apply, but there is no need to apply to HINN's publication fund to have the publication fee covered.

The Publishing fund supports a maximum of 5 publishing fees per employee per calendar year, and this includes article processing charges for articles in journals on the publishers MDPI and Frontiers.

The Agreements


The agreement has been renegotiated for 2022-24.

On Elsevier's web page Elsevier-Unit Agreement you will find a "journal search tool" showing titles eligible for the agreement.

The agreement includes articles with a corresponding author from INN in journals that are included in the agreement. This means, among other things, unlimited open publication in the publisher's hybrid journals and a discount on publication in the gold journals.

Author publishing workflow


Emerald is not a publish-and read agreement, but offers green open access: the agreement gives authors from HINN the opportunity to archive the accepted manuscript of the article published in an Emerald journal in HINN's digital archive Brage, free of charge and immediately from the date of publication.

Authors from HINN also receive a 10% discount on publication fees (APC) in pure open access journals.


This agreement runs from the 1st of January 2023 to the 31st of December 2024.

Researchers at HINN can publish in Frontiers' journals with a 10% discount on publication fees. HINN pays the entire publication fee as long as the corresponding author is employed at INN, and that they state this as their affiliation in the article.

When publishing in Frontiers' journal, the conditions in INNs publication fund apply, but you do not need to send an application to HINN's publication fund to have the publication fee covered.

When publishing in Frontiers journals, the conditions in INNs publication fund apply, but you do not need to send an application to HINN's publication fund to have the publication fee covered. The Publishing fund supports a maximum of 5 publishing fees per employee per calendar year, and this includes article processing charges for articles in Frontiers journals.

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)

This agreement runs from the 1st of January 2021 to the 31st of December 2024. Researchers at HINN can publish in MDPI's journals with a 10% discount on publication fees. HINN pays the entire publication fee as long as the corresponding author is employed at INN, and that they state this as their affiliation in the article.

When publishing in MDPIs journal, the conditions in INNs publication fund apply, but you do not need to send an application to HINN's publication fund to have the publication fee covered. The Publishing fund supports a maximum of 5 publishing fees per employee per calendar year, and this includes article processing charges for articles in Frontiers journals.

Note: From 1 January 2023, Sustainability is no longer approved in the Norwegian register of scientific journals.


This agreement runs from the 1st of January 2023 to the 31st of December 2024. Faculty at HINN can publish with open access at no cost in the journals included in the agreement.


This agreement runs from the 1st of January 2023 to the 31st of December 2024. Faculty at HINN can publish with open access at no cost in the journals included in the agreement.

  • Title list for 2023-2024 Journals marked with "par" are journals where you can both publish and read via the agreement. Journals with "publish_only" and "read_only", respectively, have either only publication or only read access via the agreement. If the journal is not included in the agreement, it is marked "excluded".

Author publishing workflow:

Taylor & Francis

The agreement is re-negotiated and runs from the 1st of January 2023 to the 31st of December 2024. Faculty at HINN can publish with open access at no cost in the journals included in the agreement. More information will come. Information from SIKT (In Norwegian)

Taylor and Francis Gold

A supplementary agreement with T&F includes publication in the publisher's gold journals. The agreement gives a discount of 10% on the publication fee (APC) and central invoicing to the institution. Articles published in the gold journals has the same workflow as the hybrid journals.


The publishing agreement with Wiley is re-negotiated and runs from to the 1st of January 2023 to the 31st of December 2024.

Title list

Both subscription journals (hybrid) and pure Open Access journals are covered by the agreement. Journal listed as par (columnB), is included in the open access agreement (par=publish and read). If a journal is listed with "read_only" or "excluded", it is not included in the agreement.

Information from Wiley

Agreements and negotiations

Sikt negotiates and administers agreements with academic publishers on behalf of institutions from the university, department and health sector. The agreements are organized in consortium as payment services.


Last modified May 15, 2024 1:35 PM