Norwegian version of this page

Publishing fund

The open access (OA) publishing fund at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) provides financial support for HINN-affiliated researchers to cover article processing charges (APC) to publish open access.

If you publish in a journal that is included in a publishing agreement, you do not need to send an application to be granted financial support, but the other criteria in the publication fund also apply to these agreements.

Criteria are updated 23 Febrary 2024

More about publishing scientific books with open access

Criteria for receiving funding

To receive support, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The application must be submitted by the corresponding author before publishing the article. The “corresponding author” is the author who is responsible for submitting the article and following it up through the publishing process with journal/publisher.
  2. The applicant (corresponding author) must be a part-time or full-time employee, an emeritus or student at INN, and s/he must credit INN in the article, that is, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (or Høgskolen i Innlandet).
  3. The supported article must supplement the criteria for a scientific publication in accordance with the criteria for the Norwegian publication indicator. The journal must be at level 1 or 2 in Norwegian register of scientific publication channels.
  4. The supported article must have a Creative Commons license or an equivalent open access license.
  5. The journal must be registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  6. The maximum amount covered per article is NOK 30,000 (exluding VAT).
  7. The journal's or publisher's guidelines for open access publishing and the requirements for author payment must be available on the publisher's website.
  8. The article that receive support must be registered in Cristin, and the published full text must be deposited in Cristin no later than the time of publication.
  9. A maximum of five applications from each applicant can be approved in each budget year.

What the OA publishing fund doesn't support

  • Already published articles
  • Expenses for color printing, additional illustrations, digitization of printed publications, large expenses and the like.
  • Publishing of individual articles in subscription-based journals (i.e. hybrid open access), Open Select or a like.

Further guidelines

Externally funded projects should normally finance publication fees for OA publishing of results of the project. Funds to cover such expenses should therefore be included in the project applications. Exceptions are projects funded by the Research Council of Norway, which contribute indirectly to the financing of all APC for open access through the fund.

Applications that meet the criteria are continuously granted if there are funds. If the budget item runs out of money during the budget year, those who have approved applications will be reimbursed for the APC.

In well-founded cases, support may be granted even if not all requirements are met.

The guidelines are approved by the Vice-Rector for research. The fund is administered by the INN Library.

These guidelines may be changed without notice, but without affecting already granted approvals or refusals. The INN Library’s decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

Application form

Publishing scientific books with open access

For the calender year 2024 we also fund open publishing of scientific books. Support is given to scientific anthologies that are published with international partners or with leading Norwegian researchers in the field. The fund covers up to NOK 150,000 per book (VAT included) per applicant per budget year. Monographs are assessed separately. The book publisher must be approved as scientific in the Norwegian publication indicator, and chapters in anthologies must meet the requirements to be reported as scientific in Cristin.

There can be significant variation in what different publishers offer. We advise that you inquire about the editorial support provided by the publisher in the publication process and about the peer review procedures. We also suggest that you investigate the quality of the publishing platform.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us before submitting an application. We can also provide guidance in choosing a publisher.

To receive financial support, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The application must be sent by the corresponding author / editor before the book (anthology / monograph/chapter) is published.
  2. The applicant (corresponding author / editor) must be employed by INN and credit INN in the book: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences or Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  3. The publication that is supported must meet the criteria for a scientific publication in the Norwegian publication indicator. The publisher must be approved at level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian register of scientific publishing channels.
  4. The whole book must be published under a Creative Commons licence or an equivalent open access license and made openly accessible immediately upon publication.
  5. The publisher must be registered in Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) and books that are supported must be registered in DOAB.
  6. The maximum amount covered per anthology/monograph per applicant per budget year is NOK 150,000 (incl. VAT). The maximum amount covered per book chapter is 20,000 NOK (including VAT).
  7. The publisher's guidelines for open publishing and requirements for author payment must be available on the publisher's website.
  8. Publications that receive support must be registered in Cristin, and the published full text must be uploaded via Cristin at the latest at the time of publication.
  9. If applying for funding for an anthology or monograph, it is expected to obtain quotes from at least two different publishers. If selecting the publisher with the highest publishing fee, justification must be provided.
  10. The applicant can receive support for a maximum of 5 chapters per budget year.
  11. If the publisher wishes to sell printed copies of the book, it must be indicated on the website where the publisher sells the book that it is also openly accessible.

Application form

Any question?

Send and email to

Picture of Per Steineide Refseth
Academic Librarian
+47 62 59 79 21