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Open Science Policy

The Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University) Policy for Open Science was adopted by The University Board in May, 2022.


  • Research processes and research results, artistic development work and teaching activities at INN University shall be made openly available where possible.
  • Note: this priniciple with regard to teaching resources will be concretized further in the continuation of ongoing work at both INN University and in Universities Norway (UHR). For both R&D and artistic development work as well as teaching resources, overarching principles and concrete management must be dealt with in dialogue between faculty members and management and possibly labor union representatives
  • INN University shall offer employees training and guidance in the principles of Open Science.
  • Note: This principles presupposes possible investments that must be considered in more detail in dialogue between faculty members and management and labor unions.
  • The principles of open science shall underpin all research collaborations involving INN University, and INN University will participate in collaboration with national authorities and other relevant research institutions to promote Open Science.
  • Note: This principle is moderated where necessary on the basis of "as open as possible, as closed as necessary."
  • INN University will contribute to making it more attractive for researchers to practice open research, through guidance, training and facilitation, as well as through visibility and recognition.
  • Note: INN University's obligations related to the principles of open science, NorCam, DORA and Charter & Code are fixed.​​​​