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Publishing policy for INN University

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) wants to participate in the international development towards increased transparency in research. INN’s publishing policy is based on the principle that research and research processes are to be "as open as possible, as closed as necessary".

Adopted by the R&D-committee 11 October 2019.

Digitization is continually transforming research and academic publishing, and a strong political will has emerged to make research processes and research results more open. INN’s publishing policy is therefore a dynamic document and will be updated and adapted to the changes that are taking place.

Open Science

Digitization and the growth of the internet has changed academic publishing. This has led to important ethical questions about access: who should have access to what, and on what terms?

In Norway, national guidelines for open access were established in 2017 with the goal that all publicly funded Norwegian scientific articles will be openly available by 2024.

In 2018, an international consortium of research funding organisations launched Plan S, an initiative for Open Access publishing. Plan S requires that, from 2021, scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants must be published in compliant Open Access journals or platforms. INN supports the principles of Plan S.

INN’s publishing policy is based on the Norwegian national guidelines for open access to research articles:

  1. Publicly funded research articles are to be made openly available. Researchers shall examine the possibilities for publishing their articles in open access journals and choose open access journals where academically acceptable. Only in exceptional circumstances may articles that are publicly funded be published in journals that do not allow the article to be made available in an academic repository.
  2. All publicly funded research articles must be deposited in a suitable academic repository. This shall take place at the latest on the publication date, irrespective of the publishing channel and when the article can be made openly available.
  3. Institutions and consortia that negotiate agreements with publishers shall ensure that these agreements promote open access without increasing total costs, and that the terms and conditions are open and transparent.
  4. Institutions that fund research projects shall contribute to cover the costs associated with open access publishing. In research performing institutions costs associated with open access publishing shall be seen as part of research budgets, just as costs associated with other key activities. Researchers and research performing institutions are encouraged via their networks to contribute to the promotion of publishing services that deliver the required quality at an appropriate price.

Supplementary notes to the guidelines for INN employees:

  1. INN employees are recommended to use the following tools and services to identify open access journals and publishers: The Norwegian Register for Scientific publication channels, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Sherpa/Romeo. The INN library can provide guidance in finding open publishing channels.
  2. INN employees shall do their best to ensure that scientific articles are deposited into INN’s institutional repository Brage, or another suitable repository. Employees shall submit their articles in Cristin, and ensure it is transferred to Brage. Employees shall upload the author’s accepted manuscript (postprint version) if unsure whether the publisher permits the publisher’s final version to be archived. The author’s version is the final draft of the manuscript, including changes made after comments from peer review, without the publisher's final layout. Note that the INN Library will ensure that the publication is transferred from Cristin to Brage, the correct version is archived, and the publisher’s embargo is kept.
  3. INN supports and participates in transformative agreements for open access with publishers, negotiated by UNIT.
  4. The open access (OA) publishing fund at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) provides financial support for HINN-affiliated researchers to cover article processing charges (APC) to publish research articles in open access journals.

On copyright

Publishers or journals often require you to transfer your copyright to them. INN supports the principle in Plan S that researchers and their institutions retain copyright over research results and research data. INN expects employees to protect their copyright, and INN encourage them to publish research articles with a creative commons license.

On research assessment

Employees motivation and understanding of open science is vital to encourage and support openness Researchers who practice open science should be support through incentives and rewards as part of their academic career. INN have signed the DORA declaration and supports the principle of assessing research on a broad basis rather than soly on the journal in which the research is published.

On characteristics of different academic fields

Although INN’s policy applies to all academic fields, it recognizes different traditions between different fields. The differing characteristics and approaches between disciplines means that the movement towards open publishing will develop at different rates. Open publishing will take longer to achieve for monographs and anthology articles. INN will follow national and international development in this area.

Last modified May 27, 2022 2:44 PM