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Research data

In research, it is essential to always maintain focus on the flow of data by planning data management and controlling the various stages from the beginning to the end of the project. Here is information on data collection methods, software and locations for storage and archiving.

Guidelines for research data at INN University

Wee see two sheets with reseach results and a pen.

The guidelines describe the tasks, obligations and division of responsibilities in connection with the management of research data, and ownership while the project is ongoing and after it has ended.  Artistic research follows separate national guidelines.

Shared responsibility for information security

As a researcher, you are independently responsible for secure data management while the project is in progress, and you must, as far as possible, make data available at the end of the project. INN University as an institution must ensure secure and user-friendly services for researchers.

A lady is typing on a keyboard. The screen is mostly white with some writing.

Research data management team

INN University has a team that works across departments and faculties  on identifying needs, proposing measures and further developing support for the handling of research data.