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Publishing research data

How can you make your research data available to others? As a researcher at INN, you can archive research data in INN Open Research Data.

How can you make your research data available to others? As a researcher at INN, you can archive research data in INN Open Research Data.

How to publish research data?

Researchers at INN can publish research data in INN Open Research Data. INN uses the DataverseNO solution.

Remember to select the INN Open Research Data archive when registering your datasets.

Why publish research data?

Publishing research data ensures opportunities for reuse. Research data forms the basis of scientific discoveries, and publishing research data contributes to transparency and enhances research credibility. Publishing research data openly enables other researchers to examine previous findings (reproducibility), generate new research questions and combine the data with other available datasets (value-added research data). This promotes open and transparent science, which is in everyone's interest. Archiving research data reduces the risk of data loss and avoids data duplication. Additionally, several funders require open publication of research data.

Still not convinced? Watch this video:

What can you inform the research participant about?

By participating in a research project, participants have an opportunity to 'be heard'. Sharing experiences and stories in interviews and texts is a way to discuss topics that are important to them. Some may be willing to share their name in the material, while others may prefer not to, but their experiences will be included in a long-term archive.

Read more about 'Participant information about archiving' (UK Data Service)

Guidelines at INN University

INN has guidelines for the management of research data that describe responsibilities, ownership, data sharing and requirements related to processing personal data in research.

According to the guidelines, it is the researchers' responsibility to follow the international FAIR principles to facilitate the further use of research data.

INN's principles and guidelines for handling research data must at all times align with other overarching governance documents, including the national strategy for accessibility and sharing of research data (PDF file), where the primary principle is that research data should be as open as possible, as closed as necessary.

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