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Forestry and Wildlife Management

Find books, articles, journals etc.


  • Agris – reference database for agriculture.
  • Organic Eprints – full text database for reports and articles for organic farming and agriculture.
  • Springerlink – full text database
  • ScienceDirect – full text database from Elsevier
  • JSTOR – full text database. Here you will find articles in all fields, from the year the journal was first published until the last 3-5 years.
  • Web of Science – reference database – very important database for us!
  • Scopus - reference database
  • OpenDOAR – Open access search portal for archives from the entire world.
  • OpenAIRE – Search portal for European open access archives. Scientific articles, books, dissertations, student papers, etc.

Literature search


Student papers

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