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Lillehammer Olympic and Paralympic Studies Center


Lillehammer Olympic and Paralympic Studies Center (LOSC) is a source of competence and research on Olympic sports and the management of sports and sporting events.

About the Center

The LOSC has its basis in a cooperative agreement between The Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University) and The Norwegian Olympic Museum, The Foundation Lillehammer Museum. Both institutions are located in the Olympic City of Lillehammer, and supports the legacy of two Olympic events, The Lillehammer Winter Olympics in 1994, and The Youth Olympic Games in Lillehammer in 2016.

The LOSC generates, coordinates, and shares knowledge on Olympic sports and the management of sports and events.

The mission is both to develop and support a network of researchers who share the objectives of developing and contributing to the knowledge about Olympic sports and events, both nationally and internationally, and at the same time to be a resource center for professionals and students at all levels in promoting knowledge on Olympic sports and the management of sports and events.

In 1994 the Lillehammer Olympic Winter Games was a showcase for sustainability and environmental policies. The Youth Olympic Winter Games in Lillehammer in 2016 was an event that promoted social sustainability with participation in sports for generations to come, with a special focus on cultural understanding, education, and sports. An important legacy of the two Olympic events in Lillehammer is the reuse and sustainable management of the sport venues, which has maintained the status of the Lillehammer region as a center for recreational, national, and international sports and events.

Through the cooperation with the expertise in the region, INN University and the Norwegian Olympic Museum will connect researchers, students, and practitioners from different fields of knowledge.

The LOSC is also associated with about 40 other Olympic Studies Centers worldwide through its affiliation with "The International Colloquium of Olympic Studies and Research Centers". Most of the Olympic Studies Centers are connected to a university and therefore conduct independent research.

Contact us

Picture of Trine Løvold Syversen
Assistant professor INN University and coordinator LOSC
+47 61 28 80 56