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INN University has the highest increase of applicants nation-wide

9357 applicants put Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences as their first choice in this year's admission for higher education at 'Samordna opptak'. That is 1049 more applicants than in 2023, and it is also the highest increase of applicants among all institutions for higher education in Norway.

Studenter som jobber sammen på et bibliotek.

Over 9000 applicants have INN University as their first choice in Samordna opptak. Foto: Elen Sonja Klouman/Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. 

– It is very positive to see that this many applicants want to start at our university next semester. This indicates that we have a study portfolio that is interesting for many, and that we have attractive study locations, Pro-rector for Education Stine Grønvold says. 

Portrettfoto av prorektor utdanning Stine Grønvold.
Pro-rector for Education Stine Grønvold has a reason to smile over a high number of applicants to many of the new study courses.  Foto: Elen Sonja Klouman/Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. 

Upturn for health studies

A positive trend in this year's admission is that the number of applicants to health-related studies has increased. Health studies have an icrease of 5.9 percent as first choice for applicants nation-wide but an icrease of 39.5 percent at INN University. This growth can largely be credited to new stydy options, including a bachelor's programme in physiotherapy.

333 applicants have this progamme at the study location in Elverum as their first option. The study programme has 40 spots, and this means that there are 8.32 applicants per spot. This is by far the highest number among all physiotherapy educations in Norway. 

Here you will find detailed applicant numbers.

Solid numbers from Samordna opptak

This year, INN University offers 83 studies in the national admission Samordna opptak - The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service. In this admission, 9357 applicants have INN University as their first choice. This is an increase of 12.6 percent compared to last year, while the average nation-wide is 4.7 percent. 

The part-time bachelor's programme for social educators at Kongsvinger is also a new study option, and this offers 35 spots. This is our only study option that has a higher number of applicants per spot than the bachelor's programme in physiotherapy. 292 applicants have this programme as their first choice, and this means that there are 8.34 applicants per spot. 

Not only the new health studies experience high applicant numbers. It is also worth mentioning that the part-time programme for nursing at Elverum was the first choice of 260 applicants, which is 121 more than last year.

At the study location Lillehammer, 140 applicants have the bachelor's programme in child welfare as their first choice, which is 40 more than last year. 198 applicants have the bachelor's programme in social work as their first choice, which is 22 more than last year. Both of these studies have 100 spots.

Artificial intelligence is popular

Artificial intelligence is a central theme in society, and this is also demonstrated through the number of applicants to the new study option at Hamar. 171 applicants have this programme, which has 50 spots, as their first choice. 70 applicants have the master's programme in sustainable forest management at Evenstad, which has 20 spots, as their first choice.

– We are developing our study portfolio every year, and the number of applicants are good for many of the studies, including physiotherapy, artificial intelligence and sustainable forest management. INN University is an educational institution that aims to renew itself and develop in line with the needs of society and wants of students, and the applicant nummbers indicate that we succeed in this, Grønvold says.

Popular studies across study locations

In addition to brand new studies, INn University also has admission to several revised study options. 39 applicants have the bachelor's programme in music business and production as their first choice.

Rena is also known for its solid academic community in civil protection, and the new centeer for preparedness and crisis management - PROTECT - opened recently. The applicant numbers for these studies are also positive. 312 applicants have the bachelor's programme in preparedness and crisis management as their first choice, which is 52 more than last year. The part-time programme for crisis management has an increase of 58 applicants with this as their first choice.

The master's programmes in public leadership and management - preparedness and crisis management have a solid increease wih a total of 87 more applicants with the two studies as their first choice compared to last year.

Wants more teacher students

A failing recruitment to teacher education programmes nation-wide in the last few years has led to this being put on the agenda, and the negative trend continues this year as well. In february, several organisations met to develop a new strategy for recruiting more applicants to teacher education, but these studies are experiencing a decrease in the number of applicants at INN University and elsewhere in the country.

Teacher education as first choice has a national decrease of 4.2 percent among applicants.

Local admission for master's programmes and further educations

In addition to the applicant numbers from Samordna opptak, there are local admissions that primarily include master's programmes and further educations. Here, INN University has 463 fewer applicants than last year. This can largely be explained by how The Norwegian Film School does not have admissions to bachelor's programmes this year, and that INN Universty now sees the effect of students from outside of the EU/EEA having to pay tuition. In total, this gives 16,047 applicants to INN University, 3.7 percent more than in 2023.


Picture of Stine Grønvold
Pro-Rector for Education
+47 62 43 00 73
By Håkon Boye Bergum, Hedda Smedbold
Published May 13, 2024 2:49 PM - Last modified June 14, 2024 2:09 PM