INN University elected to SANORD leadership

The SANORD conference, which brought together 300 participants in Hamar, ended on Friday. During the conference, INN University was elected to the leadership of the network.

Stine Grønvold on the podium in front of an audience in an auditorium

Pro-rector for Education Stine Grønvold led the closing ceremony during the conference on Friday afternoon.

Photo: INN University

INN University will fill a vice-chair role on SANORD's board for the next two years. The election was conducted digitally among all members in the network and announced during the SANORD conference in Hamar last Thursday.

"I am proud that we get such a position in this collaboration. It strengthens SANORD as an important arena for the institution in our international work," says Rector Peer Jacob Svenkerud.

Sustainability and justice

Three hundred participants from 61 institutions in 14 countries have gathered in Hamar this week for academic discussion under the heading "the role of higher education in contributing to just and sustainable futures".

The 15th SANORD conference in a row has alternated between presentations in a plenary format and presentations and discussion in smaller groups. Results from a number of research works were presented in parallel sessions during the conference days.

"It is a challenging task to land a conference with so many participants and a tight academic programme, but we have managed to do that. I received good feedback from both participants and SANORD leadership about this year's conference," says Svenkerud.

Meeting collaboration partners 

During the conference, there have been meetings at rector's level to talk about the further development of SANORD.

INN University has also had meetings with several established and potential partners within the network, which consists of institutions from the Nordics and southern Africa.

Among these is the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), with which INN University entered into a collaboration agreement last autumn. This week, INN University and NUST have discussed how the collaboration can be solidified.

"There has been particular dialogue about opportunities within gaming technology and artificial intelligence. We have come a long way in developing concrete collaborative projects and will continue the dialogue after the conference," says Peer Jacob Svenkerud.

Facts about SANORD

  • SANORD stands for for "South African-Nordic Centre".
  • More than 50 institutions within higher education participate in the network.
  • The network brings together partners from the Nordics and southern Africa.
  • It has been established to create collaboration between institutions, beyond geographical boundaries.
  • About once a year, the network gathers for a conference, this time in Hamar.
  • The previous conference was held in Limpopo in South Africa.
  • The next conference will be held in Cape Town, South Africa.
  • INN University has been elected to a vice-chair role on SANORD's board for the next two years.

See also


Picture of Stine Grønvold
Pro-Rector for Education
+47 62 43 00 73
Picture of Jill Tove Buseth
Associate Professor
+47 62 51 77 15
Picture of Bente Gaalaas Rønningen Bolme
Senior Adviser
Published Sep. 22, 2023 4:42 PM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2023 2:13 AM