INN University’s UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Lifestyles has been renewed

The chair has been renewed by four years, for a third phase – until the end of 2027.

A circle surrounded by other circles with text explaining tasks for a unesco chair

The UNESCO Chairs Programme mobilizes expertise of higher education and research institutions to address the challenges of today’s increasingly complex world. Since 2015, INN University has held a UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Lifestyles and coordinated its associated International Partner Network.

Vote of confidence

In reviewing the previous progress of INN University’s UNESCO Chair and the planned activities for the next phase, Sobhi Tawil – the Director of UNESCO's Future of Learning and Innovation Division, states:

“We are confident that the Chair will continue to play a crucial role, conducting interdisciplinary research, providing academic and training opportunities, promoting awareness of sustainable and responsible lifestyles, including addressing the issues of sustainable consumption and production while strengthening South-South cooperation. We are also pleased to note that the Chair's activities are coordinated by the Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Development (CCL) and through its International Partner Network, a consortium of 33 partners, academic institutions, NGOs, think tanks, and research institutes that continuously bring together a wide range of perspectives and knowledge on complex and interconnected issues related to sustainable lifestyles.”

Ready for the next phase

The Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Development, in consultation with the international advisory board for INN University’s UNESCO Chair, has identified six priority action areas for the third phase of this work. These are:

1) Research and concept development,

2) Higher Education institutional strengthening,

3) Innovative learning processes,

4) Capacity building and competency development,

5) Partnership and cooperation, and

6) Advocacy and information dissemination.

Through these action areas, we aim to reach a diverse range of stakeholders while focusing on continued development of innovative learning processes for fostering a transition to sustainable lifestyles.

While research, capacity building and education activities remain important operations of the UNESCO Chair, we also place significant emphasis on our roles in promoting South-South and North-South collaboration, partnership building, continued cooperation with UNESCO programmes, as well as advocacy and outreach efforts.


For more information please visit CCL’s website or contact us on:

By Sacha Irene de Raaf
Published June 15, 2023 3:50 PM - Last modified June 16, 2023 12:08 PM