New EU project on inclusive learning and active citizenship

INN University has received EU support for a three-year project on the initiative – and with the leadership – of the Centre for Lifelong Learning (SELL). The project aims to strengthen inclusive learning and active citizenship across national borders in Europe.

This article was originally published on 12 February 2021

The full title of the project is “Learning Inclusion in a Digital Age. To Belong and Find a Voice in a Changing Europe”, abbreviated as LIDA.

The project is supported through the Erasmus+ strategic partnerships program for adult learning.

In addition to INN University (coordinator), the project consists of partners Lumsa University of Rome (Italy), University of Porto (Portugal) and Pilgrim Projects (England).

The LIDA project is based on two pillars: the results and experiences from previous and related EU projects, including the top-rated ReGap project, and the recommendations from the large, international conference ICDE Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Summit in 2019. These are set out in the Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Road Map for Lifelong Employability.

The project will work purposefully with inclusive learning communities and towards strengthening citizenship at three different levels: 1) Transnational, 2) sector/industry in the partner countries and 3) individually (teachers and students). The most important tools will be to create meeting places, carry out learning activities, use the potential of digital stories and conduct research and dissemination work. LIDA also aims to promote and highlight good initiatives, best practices, learning resources and R&D results.

From SELL, Stephen Dobson, Brit Svoen, Gunn Heidi Sorknes Holme and Lars Teppan Johansen participate in the project, while Espen Stranger-Johannessen participates from the Faculty of Education (LUP) and Anne Stine Bakmann from the Faculty of Social and Health Sciences (HSV). The project will be completed by the end of 2023.

If you would like to contribute to the project or want more information, contact the coordinator of the project, Associate Professor Brit Svoen.

Tags: EU, inclusive learning By Kristin Larsen
Published Nov. 24, 2021 1:12 PM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2021 1:28 PM