Norwegian version of this page

Information regarding storm "Hans"

Here you will find information relevant to INN University related to storm "Hans".  A new update will be published on Friday 11.08.23.

Overview map of danger areas.

(Illustration: Statsforvalteren)

The County Governor of Innlandet provides information on storm "Hans" here (in Norwegian). Below you will find information applying to INN University in particular. 

Evenstad campus evacuated

Evenstad campus has been evacuated, but can probably be returned to in the near future. Employees are instructed to work from home until and including Friday 11 August.

Read about the special situation at Evenstad on

The option to work from home

There is no longer a general recommendation to work from home for those with a short travel distance to other INN University campuses. This should be assessed based on local conditions and recommendations from each municipality.

Keep yourself updated

We also ask everyone, whether employees, students or visitors, to keep updated via official crisis information channels such as or municipal preparedness information. A new update from the crisis management team at INN university is expected Friday morning.

Useful links 

By Lars Petter Mathisrud and Gro Vasbotten
Published Aug. 9, 2023 11:19 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2023 9:28 PM