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Roles and Responsibilities BUK

Management team at the faculty

The faculty’s management team consists of the dean, two vice-deans, head of administration, three heads of department, PhD leader, and head of externally funded activity. The Management Meeting deals with most matters that concern the faculty, ranging from strategic cases, the implementation of INN University policy and to day-to-day operations. The management team advises the dean on matters dealt with by the management team.   

R&D Committee at the faculty

The R&D Committee at the faculty is a strategic, coordinating and advisory body to the Vice-Dean of Research on matters relating to R&D activities at the faculty. The Committee will also advise on the allocation of doctoral research fellows. The PhD leader and a representative of the doctoral research fellows at the faculty are members on the R&D Committee.

PhD Committee

The PhD Committee serves as a programme of study committee in accordance with the quality assurance work involved in the research programmes.


The PhD Committee’s mandate:

In the supplementary guidelines for the PhD programme, the Dean has delegated authority to the Chair of the PhD Committee to, among other things:

  • Appoint co-supervisors
  • Specific recognition/approval of external PhD courses
  • Approve the training element
  • Make decisions on public defences based on unanimous committee recommendations

The PhD Committee serves as a programme of study committee in accordance with the quality assurance work involved in the research programmes.

All inquiries to BUK’s PhD Committee are to be sent to the PhD coordinator

Supervisor Forum

The Supervisor Forum has no decision-making authority, but is a discussion forum that is primarily intended to quality assure the academic content of the PhD programmes.  

Personal roles


The Dean is primarily responsible for the development of the PhD programmes at the Faculty. Regarding PhD programmes, the Dean is responsible for ensuring that responses to periodic programme evaluation reports are prepared. 

Picture of Inge Brechan
+47 61 28 81 69

Vice-Dean of Research

The Vice-Dean of Research is responsible for ensuring a comprehensive approach to and prioritisation of research at the Faculty, as well as promoting a strong research culture with research groups that collaborate regionally, nationally and internationally.  The Vice-Dean of Research serves as the Chair of the R&D Committee at the Faculty and as a representative on the PhD Committee.

Picture of Stian Ellefsen
+47 61 28 81 03

PhD Leader

The PhD Leader is the academic leader and the programme of study coordinator for the PhD programme. The PhD Leader has day-to-day responsibility for the quality and academic content of the PhD programmes offered to candidates. The Dean has delegated authority to the PhD Leader in accordance with supplementary guidelines at Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development (BUK). 

The PhD Leader ensures that academic supervision functions as intended and is responsible for implementing any improvements adopted by the PhD Committee. The PhD Leader must ensure that there is an elected representative of the PhD candidates in place at all times. 

Picture of Mari Rysst
Professor and Head of BUK
+47 61 28 80 65

Course coordinator

It is the course coordinator’s responsibility to communicate the results of course evaluations to the PhD Committee and the doctoral research fellows, and carry out quality assurance measures if necessary. 

Academic supervisor for PhD candidates

The main academic supervisor has the main academic responsibility for the candidates and will normally be a university employee. See the PhD Regulations and Supplementary Guidelines for Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development (BUK). 

Elected representative

The elected representative is the doctoral research fellows’ representative on both the PhD Committee and at other meeting forums in the PhD programmes, and acts as the voice of the doctoral research fellows in ongoing quality assurance work. The elected representative will communicate the doctoral research fellows’ views on the PhD programme and represent them in matters that are discussed. The elected representative contributes by providing feedback on courses or lecturers, etc. and can raise larger, more fundamental issues with the PhD Committee.  

The elected representative will gain knowledge of the personal circumstances of others and is therefore subject to the duty of confidentiality requirements pursuant to Section 13 of the Norwegian Public Administration Act.  

PhD Coordinator

The PhD Coordinator is responsible for coordinating day-to-day operations and is the contact person for the doctoral research fellows regarding various questions. The PhD Coordinator also serves as Secretary on the PhD Committee and the BUK Research Council. 

Picture of Maria Bøhlerengen
+47 62 51 78 28

PhD Candidates

PhD candidates must familiarise themselves with the laws, regulations and guidelines applicable to themselves as students and employees.

All PhD candidates are expected to participate actively in the evaluation of courses, the PhD programme and the learning environment. 

Published Jan. 25, 2024 10:54 AM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2024 10:55 AM