PhD public defence: Maria Jordet

The public defence for Maria Jordets´doctoral thesis takes place at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, May 25, 2023.

Portraitpicture of Maria Jordet
Photo: Privat

The title of the thesis is: "Wisdom passed on and time running out. - A study of song schools with children and folk musicians in northern Bangladesh"

Place: Auditorium 3, Hamar

The public defence will be streamed on zoom:  

Webinar ID: 630 8043 0141. Password: 088968

The trial lecture starts 10.15 AM

The public defence starts 12.15 PM

The evaluation committee:

  • First opponent: Eva Sæther (Lunds university, Sverige)
  • Second opponent: Unni Tanum Johns (University of Oslo)
  • Chair of the evaluation committee: Petter Dyndahl (Inland Norway University of Applied Science)

Chair of the public defence:

  • Susan Nacey, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Main supervisors: 

  • Professor Ingeborg Lunde Vestad (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)


  • Siri Erika Gullestad (University of Oslo). Jon Helge Sætre (Norges Musikkhøgskole)

Any opponents ex auditorio must sign up during the break between first and second opponent. For those who are present in the auditorium, please notify the chair during the break. For those of you who participate digitally, please notify the chair by SMS. Phone number and description of the procedure will be posted in the chat on zoom. Opponent ex auditorio may present the contribution after the second opponent. Such contributions must be well prepared and precisely formulated and be submitted within a time frame of maximum 10 minutes.

Guidance Zoom:

The public defence will be streamed via Zoom Webinar. You can download zoom here: Select the top one, "Zoom Client for Meetings". 

Log in 5 -10 minutes before the sessions start. The people in charge of the sessions are in place 10 minutes before the sessions begin.

Use your own PC, and do not sit in the same room as other meeting participants. It is more reliable to use a network cable than a wireless network, as it minimizes the risk of choppy sound and blurred screen.

No one must use the chat function during a trial lecture or defence. If you have technical questions, these can be sent by e-mail to

If you want to leave the meeting along the way, press «Leave Meeting» at the bottom of the screen. You will be able to join again by using the same link above to participate.

Tags: phd defence
Published May 8, 2023 10:52 AM - Last modified May 24, 2023 11:12 AM