PhD public defence of thesis: Friederike Merkelbach

Friederike Merkelbach will defend her doctoral thesis in the PhD programme Teaching and Teacher Education at INN University, with a trial lecture on Wednesday 23.2 and the public defence of her thesis on 24.2.2022. 

Portrait photo of Friederike Merkelbach.

Friederike Merkelbach will defend her thesis on 23-24 February 2022.

Photo: Privat

The title of the thesis is: “Cyborg Talentification: YouTube as a Hotspot for Child Pop Stars, their Fans, and Critics”

Place: Auditorium 3 at Hamar campus and digitally via Zoom.

The trial lecture starts on Wednesday 23 February at 14:00. The topic for the trial lecture is: “Discuss how the Internet and social media (including YouTube) operate as arenas for knowledge exchange in musical contexts and address some of the principal opportunities and challenges that are generated by using these arenas in the music education classroom”.

The public defence starts on Thursday 24 February at 14:00:

The evaluation committee consists of: 

  • First opponent: Associate Professor Tyler Bickford (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Second opponent: Associate Professor Åsa Bergman (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) 
  • Chair of the Evaluation Committee: Associate Professor Kai Arne Hansen (INN University) 

The chair of the public defence is Professor Susan Lee Nacey.

The PhD candidate's main supervisor has been Professor Ingeborg Lunde Vestad. The co-supervisor has been Professor Petter Dyndahl.

The PhD position has been funded by the Research Council of Norway (the programme FRIPRO-FRIHUMSAM) through the project DYNAMUS – The Social Dynamics of Musical Schooling and Upbringing, 2018-2022. INN University is the project owner with the Norwegian Academy of Music as a partner. Professor Petter Dyndahl (INN University) is the project manager.

Opposition ex auditorio:

Potential opponents ex auditorio must sign up during the break between the first and second opponents’ contributions. This is done by registering via text message to the chair of the public defence (telephone number is posted in the chat during the public defence). Those who are physically present can make direct contact with the chair of the public defence during the break. Such contributions must be well prepared and precisely formulated. They should not exceed 800 words / 10 minutes of speaking time.

Guide to using Zoom

Join Zoom Client. All participants must download the program in advance. If you do not have it already, you can obtain it here (free). Select the topmost, "Zoom Client for Meetings".

Log in 5-10 minutes before the start of the session. The people in charge of the sessions are in place 10 minutes before the sessions begin.

Network cable instead of Wi-Fi. It is more reliable to use a fixed network cable than a wireless network, as it minimizes the risk of choppy sound and blurred video.

Using the chat function is not allowed during the trial lecture or public defence. If you have technical questions, these can be sent by e-mail to

Leaving the meeting. If you wish to leave the meeting along the way, press “Leave Meeting” at the bottom of the screen. You will be able to re-join the session by using the same link above.

Tags: disputas, public defence of thesis
Published Jan. 26, 2022 9:52 AM - Last modified May 20, 2022 12:40 PM