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Public defence: Jonas Karlsen Åstrøm

The public defence for Jonas Karlsen Åstrøms’ doctoral thesis takes place at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, August 30 2022.

Jonas Karlsen Åstrøm (Photo: Private)

Jonas Karlsen Åstrøm (Photo: Private)

Photo: Privat

The defence will also be streamed.

The title of the thesis is "Theming in Experience-based Tourism - Visitor and Provider Perspectives"

The public defence and trial lecture takes place at Auditorium F at campus Lillehammer and digitally via Zoom -

Webinar ID: 674 6413 2345. Passord: 013564

The trial lecture starts 10.15 AM

The public defence starts 12.15 PM

Read more about the dissertation.

Tags: public defence of thesis
Published June 10, 2022 1:18 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2022 9:23 AM