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Public defence: Christina Strandholt Andersen

The public defense for Christina Strandholt Andersen’ doctoral thesis takes place at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, January 19, 2024.

Portrait of Christina in front of a forest
Photo: Astrid Fabrin

The title of the thesis is: «Empowerment i børnehøjde».  

  • Place: Auditorium G at the Lillehammer campus and digitally via Zoom: Webinar ID: 65142788785. Password: 489872
  • The trial lecture starts at 10:15 AM. The theme is: «Gjør rede for ulike forståelser av barns aktørskap i nyere barndomsforskning, og drøft relevansen disse perspektivene kan ha i den samfunnsvitenskapelige funksjonshemmingsforskningen.»
  • The defense starts at 12:15 PM.

The assessment committee consists of:

  • First opponent: Associate Professor Kim Rasmussen from Roskilde University.
  • Second opponent: Professor Borgunn Ytterhus from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
  • Committee leader: Associate Professor Astrid Halsa from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (HINN).

Defense leader: Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Inge Brechan.

The candidate's main supervisor has been Professor Anne Stine Dolva, and the co-supervisor has been Professor Emeritus Ole Petter Askheim, both from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

The defense will be streamed via Zoom Webinar. (Link to be provided)

Published Dec. 14, 2023 12:07 PM - Last modified Jan. 19, 2024 10:36 AM